Chapter 30

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"Theres something about your smile that makes you seem worthwhile" Ella Mai X Pedestal 

Mariah in the mm

Mariah Pov

I sat on my couch with the phone to my ear "You already know we going to handle that bitch" I said smiling.

Serenity POV

I stared at the cup of red wine sitting on the coffee table in front me, once I finished that glass I would have had a whole bottle.

I kept having flashbacks of when I was in that closet with a gun pointed at my head, I could feel the weight of the gun in my hand and I could see the flames around me could feel the smoke slowly choking me.

Every time that I thought that Chres could have been behind the violent attacks the crying took over my body, the pyramid of wet tissues next to was proof of that.

I raised the glass to my lips once again when I heard the doorknob start to jingle.

"Baby girl where you at" he yelled down the hall but I didn't say anything just turned around in the chair so that I would be facing him when he came down the hall.

"Damn baby, why yo heels in the floor I almost busted my ass- you okay mama" he asked when he finally saw me.

I tried to stand but immediately almost fell back over and Chres ran back over to catch me "Serenity you good" he asked again and I felt the tears flood back into my eyes.

"Get off of me" I said pushing him away and falling back onto the couch.

He looked over at the empty wine bottle and the wine glass stained with my lipstick "Are you drunk" he asked sounding concerned.

"The fire" I choked out and I could tell he was confused which pissed me off more.

I grabbed the pillow from next to me and threw it at him "You started the fire, you sent those people to kill me" I yelled throwing another pillow at him and his face softened.

"Baby let me explain please" he said grabbing my hands but I pulled away from him. He had just admitted to everything.

I got up and tried to walk away but he grabbed me and pulled me to him "They were not supposed to hurt you Ren, just Clarence baby that was planned before I even knew that you were there" he said holding me against his chest.

"He was going to kill me Chres, the gun was at my head" I cried still trying to get away from him.

"Serenity listen to me that was not the plan even before I knew you I did not want to hurt you, I don't believe in taking innocent lives" he said a little louder, I tried to elbow him but he kept his grip while dodging every hit I sent his way.

"The fire I had nothing to do with me baby I didn't set that house on fire, all I wanted to do was kill Clarence that had nothing to do with me, my guys were out of there long before that house went up in flames" he said and I finally pushed him away.

"How am I supposed to believe you Chres" I asked while stumbling to get my car keys.

He ran over "You have been around me enough to know that I wouldn't lie to you, Serenity you have to believe me, I had nothing to do with the fire or him trying to kill you those were not my orders I told them to kill Clarence and get out of there before back up showed up" he said once again and I could see him trying not to cry.

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