Chapter 28

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"These nights never seem to go as planned" Sam Smith X Stay With Me 

Serenity in the mm


"In the case of King Clarence Jones ..."

My heart stopped...

"There is a 99.99% chance that you ARE the father" she said.

Chres POV 

Mariah jumped up from the table and stormed to the doctor "You stupid bitch" she yelled pushing her but I couldn't keep my eyes off of my son.

Clarence stood up confused "Wait, what did you say" he asked and I shook my head.

"I said that in the case of King Clarence Jones you are NOT the father" the doctor repeated pushing Mariah away from her.

"I fucking paid you over $3,000 and you pull some shit like this bitch give me my money back" Mariah was out of breath and tears poured down her face, Clarence walked out the room slamming the door in the process.

I took a few deep breaths before standing up and taking King from her arms, she was so into her fight that she didn't notice.

His face was red from when he started crying but as I held him he quickly calmed down, I sat back in the chair and tuned Mariah and the doctor out "Daddies right here" I whispered to him, stroking his soft curly hair.

I took note of every detail in his face and saw that he was an exact copy of me, this boy was my twin and I wondered why Clarence never questioned if he was the father because King looked exactly like me and nothing like him.

He finally stopped crying and smiled at me, it felt like my heart was overflowing with joy. This was all that I had ever wanted, to be here for my kid.

I held onto his tiny hand and thought about our future together, "I can teach you how to play football and basketball, we will play fortnite together for hours, teach you how to do all the things a man should and with the help of Serenity we will teach you how to be a gentleman" I whispered to him.

Mariah must have heard me say Serenity's name because she whipped around and snatched King from my arms.

"Aye don't be snatching him up like that" I yelled at her and stood up.

She rolled her eyes "Don't touch my child" she said back and rolled her eyes.

"He is mine too, so we need to set up some custody hours or something because you not keeping him away from me" I told her sternly, we now had the test done and I knew he was mine so I refused to not be in his life.

"Sure, you can see him whenever you want as soon as you stop fucking with that bitch" she said smirking and I was slightly confused for a second.

"Are you talking about Serenity" I asked and she nodded.

"You know damn well who I'm talking about, that bitch will not be around him" she said and I laughed.

"You cannot regulate who I'm with but it's all cool we will just go to court and have everything settled" I told her but now it was her who laughed.

"First do you really think that the court would give you any type of custody with your record and even if they wanted to they cant Clarence is his legal father so have fun getting his name removed" she said before leaving the room with King.

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