Chapter 6

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Serenity in the mm

"I'll hold your body in my hands, be as gently as I can

But for now your a scan of my unmade plants" Ed Sheeran x Small Bump

Bre'Anna rushed in the house after school and was taken aback to not only see her father but her Uncle Clarence holding hands with his new girlfriend Mariah.

She ignored them because she had more important things on her mind "Daddy it's been a whole month and you promised if she wasn't back you would take me to check on her" she said quickly.

Peanut shook his head "Come on Bre she probably on vacation or something, we not going to go worrying that lady" he told his daughter. He could tell she was distressed but it was probably because she was scared that another female figure was leaving her. 

Bre'Anna's eyes started to water, something about Ms.Serenity suddenly being gone made her stomach curl she couldn't believe that she would just go on vacation without telling anybody "You promised" she said to her father.

Peanut looked at her again, Serenity was a nice teacher but she probably couldn't handle the children at MLK and just left he thought "Bre'Anna no" he said sternly. He had promised, but he knew he couldn't show up at her house.

Bre'Anna turned to stomp upstairs "Do you not see your uncle and Mariah, do you not know what today is" Peanut asked her.

By this point, Bre'Anna was angry, sad and frustrated. Of course, she knew what today was but she couldn't find it in herself to care, she just looked at her uncle and Mariah "Yeah I know what today is but I think he forgot" she said before going upstairs.

Mariah and Bre'Anna could not stand each other and never could all because when Bre was younger she swore she saw Mariah cheating on her uncle Clarence but no one believed her.

"How dare she disrespect you like that, she needs an ass whooping" Mariah said, but Clarence couldn't form a sentence today was his babies due date and also the day that his son and Jasmine were killed. But he could also tell that something was really wrong with his niece, he wondered what they were talking about. 

Peanut shook his head and apologized to his brother before going upstairs to talk to Bre.

Clarence was speechless as Mariah continued to talk about how Bre didn't know how to act but he drowned her out. Once he thought about it, it probably did look like he had forgotten about his baby and Jasmine. It had been exactly three years since that day and he usually met up with Jasmine's family and everyone released balloons in honor of them and Bre would stay home to be there with him.

But for the first time that didn't happen, Mariah just stayed attached to his hip all day, telling him to ignore the calls from Jasmine's family because they would just depress him so thats what he had been doing but it didn't feel right anymore. That day he didn't just lose his girlfriend and son but they had also lost a daughter and grandchild.

Clarence stood up and gave Mariah the car keys "I'll catch you at my house" he told her before walking to Bre'Anna's bedroom but before he got there Peanut walked out looking sad.

"Whats wrong bro" Clarence asked because this was not a look his brother often wore and Peanut just shook his head.

"Mane Bre freaking out cause that counselor just stopped showing up to the school a month ago and Bre keeps saying she has a bad feeling but I'm trying to tell her everything is okay" Peanut said.

Everything hit Clarence at once and he had to hold on to the wall, three years ago his soon to be pregnant fiance was shot in the stomach right in from on him as he was held back forced to watch her bleed out, he lost his shot at fatherhood, and now the woman who he was crushing on turns up missing after he talked shit about her abusive relationship.

If something happened to her it could be his fault, he should have helped her, Peanut grabbed his brothers arms "Clay you alright" he asked but Clarence's phone begun to ring and he saw that it was Jasmine's mother, he quickly accepted the call apologizing for not calling earlier.

On the line, she could hear the sadness and anger that still lurked in his voice and told him not to come over but go to a support group with some other people who had also lost children.

He wanted to say no but felt bad for ignoring her all day so he decided that going couldn't harm anything and said he would stop by her place tomorrow.

Clarence didn't want to be around his girlfriend so he decided to stay with his brother until it was time for support group.


It was 6:15 when Clarence finally ran into the church building where group was being held, he was late because he had taken what was supposed to have been a short nap.

As soon as he was about to cross the threshold he heard the sound of a very familiar voice but it sounded so much sadder and he stopped and hid in the doorway.

"My name is Serenity Banks and I lost- no my baby got taken away from me one month ago" she said, everyone's hearts were hurting for her. Out of everyone in the group she had lost her child most recently "Every time I say that it doesn't get easier its still hurts so bad, I would have been two-and-a-half months pregnant and I was under bad situation but I was excited to have him or her, I saw my child as a way out." Serenity began to break down crying "I tried to leave, I was at the door when he took my baby from me". 

Clarence began to cry, not only because this was Serenity and she was hurting but because he was in a place where people finally understood how he felt, a place where people wouldn't say dumb shit like how can you love something you never met, or it will get easier as time goes on. 

He wiped his tears and walked into the room, Serenity hadn't noticed him because her head was done and people were surrounding her and comforting her. He just sat in the empty seat and held her hand.

When everyone finally sat back down, Serenity looked over at him and was shocked. Clarence didn't say anything, just nodded and squeezed her hand before he went back to intently listening to everyone's stories and how they are coping.

People had lost these kids way too soon from a variety of things, miscarriage, s.i.d.s,  stillborn, cancer, freak accidents, and other things. 

The lady leading the group asked if Clarence wanted to share and he said yes, he knew it would be hard because he had never said this sentence out loud he always had beat around the bush but he felt comfortable here.

"I uhh my names Clarence and the day I lost my son was his due date it was also the day I lost my girlfriend and the love of my life today marks three years since I was forced to watch the life leave from her and know that my child was gone to" he said with tears falling, Serenity squeezed his hand letting him know she was still there.

"Not a day goes by where I can honestly say it's gotten easier, all I can say is that I've become numb to the pain" Clarence said and sat back down.

For the next two hours, he listened and found new coping skills and other ways to help get him through his life.

When it was time Serenity quickly got up to leave because sadly she hadn't gotten away from Marcus and the only reason she was allowed to come to these meetings is because deep deep deep deep down Marcus felt bad. 

Clarence grabbed her hand and within seconds they were crying in each other's arms "I'm sorry" Clarence kept saying to her but Serenity didn't hear it, she just kept hearing that he had to watch his girlfriend die.

They could feel a strong bond being formed between them because at this one time they were the same, both people grieving the loss of their children. 

They knew that at a time like this they didn't need words, cards, or flowers, just someone who understood them.

For the first time in 3 years Clarence found that person and at that moment he didn't want to let her go, he wanted to protect her forever.

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