Chapter 27

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(Todays Chapter Shoutout goes to @Unicorn_tt_ this is another one of my most loyal commenters and she also knows how to make me laugh. Thank you so much for reading Wild Thoughts )

Clarence in the mm

Chres POV

I paced back and forth across the floor, I know I had no reason to be nervous but something about being in the room with King for the first time had my stomach in knots. I didn't know if I should bring a gift or just show up for the results.

When we had the test done Mariah went at a different time than me so I didn't have the chance to see him but it had been 3 days and the results were waiting at the office. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Chres calm down, everything is going to be okay" Serenity said, she had been with me all day and kept trying to reassure me but it wasn't working. I looked down into her big brown eyes and tried to slow my breathing but being this close to her just made my heart beat faster.

"I should at least get him a bear right" I asked, trying to distract myself from her and she just smiled.

"You can get him whatever you want" she said before putting on her slides and grabbing my car keys.

"I hope you don't think your diving and I want you to be there when we get the results" I told her walking down the hall but she shook her head.

"No, Mariah made it very clear that this is none of my business and I don't want to cause any problems so I will wait for you at my place" she said.

I didn't see a problem with Serenity being there but Mariah had a bitch fit talking about how she had no place being there because she had nothing to do with our situation. I planned on being with Ren for a long time and she would meet King eventually so Mariah would just have to get over it.

Clarence POV

"Yeah we get the results back today" I told my new right hand James while sitting in my office in the trap.

"I say we kill that nigga real shit" he replied but I shook my head, sure it would solve a lot of problems but I didn't think I could ever pull the trigger on Chres.

"I don't see how you cool with letting that nigga breath after he took your girl from you" he said and I got mad and slammed my cup on the desk between us.

"He ain't take nobody away from me, if I wanted Serenity I could have her but I obviously don't" I lied, he didn't take her from me but I did want her back. As time went on I realized why I stopped being with Mariah in the first place, shawty was jealous as hell. I couldn't talk to any female without her jumping in and wanting to fight.

"Whatever nigga I don't care I say we should kill Chres but you're the boss, but I did get the video from the warehouse the night Jas was killed" he told me pulling out a cd.

My hands got sweaty and my heart started racing, I didn't want to see it but I needed to find some clues "Put the disk in" I said, my voice was unsteady.

I intensely watched the video, I saw as I was beaten and then dragged and tied up to a chair.

It felt so surreal watching this it felt like it had all just happened yesterday, I counted the seconds but closed my eyes as the two shots rang out. I couldn't make myself watch it again, I knew where they hit her, once in the stomach and once in the head.

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