Chapter 8

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Marcus in the mm

"She is my rock, bust at the opt, Hold down the spot, beast with the box"

Plies x Rock

It had been weeks since the last time Serenity had seen Clarence but to make herself feel better she just pretended that he never existed. The first few weeks were hard because she had no choice but to see him twice a week at support group but she decided to stop going to prevent herself from running into to him.

As a result of no longer going, she got very depressed and isolated herself from everyone except Marcus. Once he saw depression take over he began to put things in her head and make himself seem like the good guy.

Marcus even made her believe that it was her fault that she had lost the baby, he told her that he only hits her because he loves her and if it wasn't for her misbehaving he would have never put his hands on her.

Serenity thought that their relationship had really taken a turn when Marcus took her out to Sephora to get a new foundation as a gift but she found it weird that he only wanted her to get a full coverage one but never questioned him on it.

The truth was that one of the neighbors had seen a bruise and asked him about it so he needed Serenity to wear something that would cover all the marks up.

Serenity had lost the will to fight back so she would rush home every day to make sure everything was how he liked and gave him whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it. When she would do something wrong Marcus would beat her from one side of the house to the other and she would just apologize to him and try harder the next time.

This routine had been going on for so long that Serenity had forgotten that in normal relationships being beat was not a common thing.

"Aye Serenity bring me another soda out the fridge" Marcus yelled at her even though he was closer to the kitchen.

Serenity jumped up from the bed and went into the kitchen because he did not like to be kept waiting, he took the soda and then reached out for Serenity causing her to flinch. He just chuckled and pulled her into his lap.

It was very rare for him to show her affection so she happily took what she could get and laid her head on his shoulder as she stroked her thigh. "When I was going through your bag I saw a flyer for the spring performance that the kids are having, did you want to go" he asked her.

Her head perked up and she smiled "Really" she asked him excitedly, Bre was supposed to be singing tonight and she really wanted to go but she was sure he would say no so she never asked.

He pecked her lips "Yeah you've been doing good and we deserve a night out, maybe we can get dinner afterward" he offered.

Serenity was overly excited "Go put on the cute yellow dress you got a few days ago" he told her and she ran to the room to get dressed.

The real reason Marcus wanted to go is that he recognized Clarence at the store and overheard him say he was going to the performance tonight and Marcus wanted to show Serenity off and he also had a little surprise in store for everyone.

Marcus and Serenity got dressed and he put on a nice suit with a yellow tie to match her dress and they got into his matte black range rover to drive to the school.

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