Chapter 19

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*As I said I would be giving shout-outs to whoever I notice the most and who has the best comments and the first one without a doubt has to go to @MissNzingaK she is one of my most loyal readers and her comment are always funny af so shout out to you and thank you for reading Wild Thoughts*

Chres in the mm

"Aint nobody going to treat you better, Aint nobody going to touch you better, Aint nobody going to love you better boy than I am" Mary J. Blige X I Am

I walked into my silent house immediately looking for Serenity, I hadnt even noticed that she had left the baby shower until the end and I was still wondering how she got home. I held the bag that contained our dinner for the night tightly looking for her.

"Ren" I yelled hoping that she didn't fall somewhere or worse, not be here at all.

"Guest room" she yelled back and I was immediately relieved, for the past few weeks she had been dropping hints that she planned to move out soon but I really didn't want her to leave.

She stayed in the guest room because she refused to share a bed with me, so we spent most of our time together in there. The times that we were together were spent with us sharing laughs, eating snacks, playing video games and her favorite activity, watching Disney movies.

I put our bag of food in the microwave so that it would stay warm before walking into the guest room where I saw her sitting in the chair and I shook my head knowing that she hated that chair but she had a hard time getting on the bed in the room because it was so high.

I also saw her red eyes and puffy face and knew that she had cried, I felt so bad that her healing time has been so slow but it was partially her fault, she hated going to physical therapy and frequently walked around the house without her crutches.

From the start, her leg had been broken in three different places and her arm was badly fractured so she was on bed rest for a while but near the end, she tried to walk on her own and fell re-breaking her leg.

I walked over and picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the bed, she smiled weakly "I could have done that myself" she said.

What I loved most is that she tried not to let this hurt her spirits and she still tried to be as independent and happy as possible but this was also her downfall.

"Why'd you leave" I asked fluffing the pillows behind her back so that she could be more comfortable but she just shrugged and turned on the tv, I knew she was trying to ignore me.

I took the remote from her and stuck it in my pants "Is it because she broke your gift, I did talk to her about and she apologized" I lied.

You see I did talk to Mariah about it but she did the opposite of apologizing she just told me that she would do it again if she got the chance.

I adjusted the pillow under her lag so that it was properly elevated, the swelling got pretty bad if it wasn't up in the air, and I also removed her shoes from her feet and slipped on a pair of her socks.

She paused while she watched me work "I also could have done that on my own and no Clarence it's not about the gift now subject change I found a new apartment and I was wondering if you could take me to see it" she asked me and I immediately told her no.

"Why can't you just stay with me Ren, I like it when your here"

Honestly, I had forgotten how nice it was to have someone with you all the time, the two of us spent the majority of our time together and I had really fallen for her and the only reason she said we couldn't be together is that she was still getting over her thing with Marcus.

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