Chapter 32 (Part 1)

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(Chapter shoutout goes to @heroinstorm wanted to thank you again for your positive feedback on my writing, it's comments like this that make me want to keep going)

Marcus in the mm

Third Person POV

Marcus smiled at Serenity before walking over and caressing her face "Miss me baby" he asked crouching down next to her and grabbing her hand.

He shook his head in dismay when he saw that her engagement ring was no longer present on her finger "Do you know how much I spent on that for you to not have it" he asked circling around her chair.

Serenity tried to keep her eyes locked on him the whole time, she did not fear to shine through, she wanted him to think that she was in control of the situation when in reality she felt like she was going to piss herself.

The sound of the crying baby started again breaking both of their concentration "What the fuck" he yelled out. He had been hearing that sound for the past 48 hours and it was really taking a toll on him.

Mariah swung the door open and bounced a screaming King on her hip, "Oh shut up Marcus" Mariah said walking into the room and staring at Serenity.

She was amused that she was in such a vulnerable state with her arms and legs bound to the chair and mouth covered in tape but she could not fully enjoy the moment due to her infant's loud cries.

"Why the fuck would you bring him" Marcus asked staring at the child, in a way he was becoming happy that he didn't have one of his own he didn't know how he would have dealt with that God awful sound.

"Do you think that this was my first choice, obviously I couldn't find a babysitter" she yelled back rolling her eyes and passing the child off to an angry Marcus. She walked over and ripped the tape from Serenity's mouth "Well hello sunshine" she said smiling brightly at her.

"Suck a dick" Serenity angrily spat at Mariah while attempting to break free of the chair, her emotions were running high as she wondered why the two of them had teamed up.

Marcus began to kiss and her neck "Oh no baby girl, I think we'll save that for you" he whispered.

Clarence POV

I took one last look at James before exiting the car, the warehouse looked exactly as it did all that time ago and it caused the hair on my spine to stand straight up.

"Stay out of my way when we get in here" Chres said bumping my shoulder as he walked past me but I grabbed him before he got to far.

"We gotta be on the same page when we get in here or we both dead so this shit between us gotta cease, it's a girl in there that we both love and we want the same thing: to get her home safely so cut the shit out" I said staring Chres in he eyes and I was serious.

It didn't matter if her home was with me or with Chres I just wanted her out this situation, she didn't deserve any of this and it was all my fault.

Chres stared at me and nodded "Let's do this then" he said before walking to the main door and he began to kick at it with all his might and before long it came tumbling down.

The two of us walked in together and I was checking the scene to see if there was anything unusual or anything around us, I did not want to be caught slippi-

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