Chapter 16

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Clarence in the mm

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller; doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone" Kelly Clarkson X Stronger 


Pitch Black...

I felt as though a black veil was covering my face, preventing me from opening my eyes so I could see.

I struggled to move my libs, it felt like I had been superglued to the table.

After struggling to move for a while I struggled to talk, yell, anything to get sound out and had an internal battle with myself.

I stopped struggling and tried hard to listen to all the sounds around me the sounds of people walking, chairs scooting across the floor and beeping lots and lots of beeping.

I didn't know how much time had passed but the sound of the beeping started to give me an intense headache, I yelled out in pain but still, no sound escaped my lips.

I was becoming frustrated and wanted to cry because I didn't know what was wrong with me, was I trapped in a nightmare or could this have been something way worse.

After staying quiet for a while I heard a new sound, was it yelling?

"I don't know what you want me to do, you want me to say with you and cheat" the voice yelled out, it sounded familiar but I couldn't tell who it was.


Was he going to cheat on me?

"No I don't want you to cheat, I want you to forget that bitch and be here for me and your child, were your family not that random whore" another voice yelled back.

I attempted to move my arms once again so I could cover my ears to block out the sounds but I was in intense pain when I tried to move them the slightest bit.

"I can't do that, I love her" the first voice said back.

I wanted to be nosey but I couldn't move, I wondered who they were talking about.

I heard a loud smack and flinched a bit at the overpowering sound.

When the person spoke again it sounded like they were in pain and was struggling not to cry "So you just going to step out on the family that you wanted" they asked and I felt so bad.

What kind of whore would come and destroy what sounded like such a wonderful family, and he even said he loved this girl. I bet she didn't love him back, dirty hoes these days.

"Aint nobody stepping out shawty, you know I'm going to be there for my kid" voice number one yelled out.

He was probably lying, niggas really won't shit.

"Fuck you" the female yelled back.

I wished that I could get up and help her out but I couldn't, I was stuck.

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