Something Special

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Author's Note: Part 3 of 3 of the triple threat update! I look forward to all the votes and comments. I love hearing from all my readers! You guys rock. ♡

*artwork used does not belong to me*

"We must alert Supreme Leader Snoke immediately regarding Skywalker." Hux told Kylo as they landed inside an enormous white hanger.

Rey handed Hux his jacket back and he took it from her gingerly, as if it had been diseased.

"Thank you." She said to him. He merely sneered in her direction.

Kylo made a face about having to contact Snoke at this point in time. His appearance was in shambles. He glanced at Rey. Despite her blotchy red face, drenched hair and clothes, she was still just a beautiful as ever. He could sense she did not want to see Snoke either, especially so soon after their last meeting.

Hux led them through the halls of the base. Stormtroopers seemed to be everywhere. They entered a rounded room similar to the one on the Finalizer, a stone platform resembling a throne in the center. Hux alerted the Supremacy and Snoke's menacing hologram soon filled the room.

"I assume you have good news for me, General?" Snoke questioned sternly.

"I have news, Supreme Leader." Hux said, shooting Kylo a look. "We were able to locate Skywalker's hideout, but he has fled once again."

Snoke curled one of his large hands into a fist.

"And the Resistance?" He asked.

"He is not with the Resistance, Supreme Leader." Kylo spoke up.

"I believe I have a way to draw both Skywalker and the Resistance out of hiding." Hux said smoothly.

"Go. See to the preparations." Hux said without question. Hux gave Kylo a smug look as he swiftly exited the room.

"My dear apprentice." Snoke said to Kylo. Kylo bowed his head.

"There has been an awakening in young Rey." He said, turning his attention to Rey as she stood slightly behind Kylo. Kylo turned his head to look at her.

"My, what disheveled appearances." Snoke said, clicking his tongue. Rey looked back up at Kylo before looking down again.

"Mmmm...." Snoke mused thoughtfully, lacing his fingers in front of himself.

"Yes..... Her emotions are quite strong...." Snoke said, closing his eyes briefly. "It's what fuels her fiery spirit."

Rey fidgeted nervously.

"Harness that raw power." Snoke said to Kylo. "I need her trained as you were. In both the light.... And the dark."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Kylo agreed, giving one more glance towards Rey. Snoke chuckled lightly.

"Oh my dear apprentice.... Your inner turmoil humors me." He laughed before severing the connection. Kylo frowned before turning and exiting the room.

Hux stood before the army of Starkiller Base outside on a regal platform, the First Order symbol portrayed on crimson banners in the foreground.

"Today is the end of the Republic!" He announced to the crowd below.

"The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder. At this very moment, in a system far from here, the New Republic LIES to the galaxy, while secretly supporting the treachery of the loathsome Resistance."

His chin protruded forward with authority as his speech continued.

"This fierce machine, which you have built, upon which we stand - will bring an end to the Senate! To their cherished fleet! All remaining systems will BOW to the First Order!"

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