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Author's Note: Happy Star Wars Day!!! Another filler chapter, I'm sorry! I promise now that their schedule is out of the way we can start to get back to some Reylo business. I'll try to update this weekend, just not sure when though. As always - I hope you enjoy!

*briefly inspired by 'Maneater' by Nelly Furtado*

Upon arriving at the dining hall, it was clear the word had spread around the cruiser that Rey had been assigned as Kylo Rens apprentice. The curious stares still followed her as she trailed silently behind Kylo along the meal line.

He chose the same table as this morning and Rey wondered if this was a place he had claimed stake to within the dining hall. They began eating their meal in silence until they were interrupted by Hux joining them.

"You've caused quite a stir onboard." He said to Rey as he sat down next to Kylo at the table. She eyed him, unsure if he was being rude or just making small talk.

"That's all everyone wanted to talk about this morning." He said as he mashed into his food angrily with his utensils.

"That's not her fault." Kylo muttered to Hux. Hux rolled his eyes.

"There are pressing matters at hand. The map to Skywalker is being harder to trace than expected." Hux said. "Perhaps if we had the droid, instead of HER...." Hux said, trailing off.

"I can hear you, you know." Rey said to Hux, glaring at him. Hux ignored her.

"Are you sure you mapped it correctly?" Hux asked Kylo.

"Of course." Kylo said, agitated with Hux's doubt. "The officers on the command bridge should be having no problems piecing it together with the map from the archives."

Hux huffed at this, annoyed.

"How often am I going to be forced in her company?" He asked, still ignoring her presence. Rey looked over at Kylo. "Is this going to be an every day thing?"

"She stays with me." Kylo calmly replied.

"Lovely." Hux said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Kylo turned his head to Rey, his face still shrouded by his hood.

"Your thirty minutes starts now. Training room. 1:30. Do not be late." He said to her.

She nodded and stood up from the table, clearing her place setting as she left.

She arrived on time to the training quarters. The lightsaber weighed heavily on the rope like belt she wore around her waist. She entered the personal training room and she immediately blushed.

She hadn't expected Kylo to have changed as well. He had shed his armored jacket and was wearing a simple black sleeveless top with high waist stretch pants. He had his back to her and he was practicing swinging around a training staff. His helmet was removed but he kept his gloves on. His wavy hair breezed side to side as he practiced. His arms bulged with tight muscles, his shoulder muscles clenching as he continued to swing the staff.

He did a turn as he practiced, coming to a grinding halt when he saw her watching from the doorway.

"What. Are you wearing." He asked, awkwardly pausing in his questioning. Rey looked down at what she wore.

"My training garb." She answered.

"No." He said, pointing the staff at her. "That is not what I sent you." He said.

Rey looked down at the top she wore. Black and sleeveless, like his, but hers had a cross strap across her shoulders and back. It was cropped just below her ribs. She wore a pair of black stretch pants as well, but hers cut off mid-calf.

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