Obeying Orders

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Author's Note: Okay, I couldn't help myself - I obviously have a problem - so here is ANOTHER update! It's a little longer by my standards, but I didn't want to have to split the chapter up. HAPPY READING EVERYONE! ;)

*artwork used does not belong to me*

The transmission was abruptly ended. Hux stalked over to Rey and Kylo.

"You should probably put some Bacta on that." Kylo said to Hux. Hux fumed, his hands clenching into fists.

"If ANY of you say ANYTHING to ANYONE, about ANY of this -" Hux began to threaten.

"You'll do what?" Kylo said, taking a step towards the General. Hux angrily grunted, unable to come up with a witty comeback. He turned sharply and swiftly exited the room.

Rey watched him leave, the double doors slamming behind him. She looked up anxiously at Kylo.

"Kylo?" She quietly asked. His mask turned to her. Part of her wished he would take it off. She looked down.

"What now?" She asked.

"Phasma will take you to be fitted for clothes." Kylo said, as he began to depart the room. She quickly followed.


"You can't go to the Supreme Leader looking like that." He told her.

Rey frowned and picked at her linens. She felt tears begin to well in her eyes again. She had always worn these clothes.

"Whatever did you do the General?" Phasma asked Kylo as the two approached her.

"I'll explain later." Kylo said hastily. "The Supreme Leader has requested our presence tomorrow. You will pilot us to the Supremacy in the morning." He instructed her.

"But Sir - who will keep the ship in order in my absence?" Phasma asked, clearly not a fan of this task.

"I'll leave Captain Canady in charge."

"Canady?" Phasma complained. Rey glanced up at Kylo at this decision.

"He is not permitted within distance of our guest." Kylo said, looking down at Rey and she quickly looked away.

"I see." Phasma said. "Come on then." Phasma said, jerking her head to the left at Rey - insinuating she follow. Kylo gave Rey a quick nod and she turned away from him and solemnly followed the woman in the shiny silver armor.


Rey stood awkwardly on a rounded platform as small hovering droids took her measurements with wispy pieces of string.

Phasma had removed her helmet and was eyeing Rey skeptically as the droids hummed and beeped at each other.

"You're very thin." Phasma told Rey. Rey looked embarrassed.

"What did you do again on Jakku?" Phasma asked.

"I was a scavenger." Rey answered.

"Mmmm..." Phasma said, clearly intrigued by her answer.

Rey stared curious at the woman as the droids picked at her clothes with needle like pincers. She had a handsome face, with short blonde hair that lightly curled around her forehead and cheeks. Certainly not what Rey had expected to see when the Captain had removed her helmet.

The droids stopped measuring and she was beeped at to step down from the platform.

"Your room should be ready by now. I'll take you there now. Your clothes will be delivered to you by tonight."

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