The Desert Rose

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Author's Note: You guys. Seriously. I had to tear even MYSELF away from writing this. It got longer than anticipated. But since I won't be able to write for a few days, I hope that makes up for it. I know I won't be the only one anticipating my next update! ;) ♡

*artwork used does not belong to me*

"General. They've been hit." Officer Unamo reported to General Hux aboard the First Order Cruiser 'The Finalizer'.

"Destroyed?" The ginger haired General asked as he approached the Officer at her ComLink station.

"Disabled. They were headed back to Jakku." Unamo reported. "The fighter is projected to crash in the Goazon Badlands."

"They were going back for the droid. Send a squadron to the wreckage!" General Hux commanded.

The First Order officers went into a frenzy of beginning to assign ground troops, securing a shuttle and scheduling a departure for Jakku. Retrieving the droid was of utmost importance!

The First Order attack on the Jakku village of Tuanul last night had particularly angered one of the higher ups in command - Kylo Ren. The Leader of the Knights of Ren. A group of seven Force sensitive warriors, supervised by the highest in command of all - Supreme Leader Snoke.

A pilot from the Resistance had traveled to Tuanul to retrieve the coordinates of the whereabouts of the legendary Luke Skywalker. The Last Jedi himself. Shortly after the pilot, a gentleman by the name of Poe Dameron, had been given the map - he had attempted to flee Jakku. The Stormtroopers of course saw to it that his ship was destroyed and the pilot was taken hostage aboard the Finalizer. The villagers witness to the First Order arrival were all executed

Kylo Ren personally sought out the truth from the man, discovering the coordinates had been passed off to a droid. A BB unit. The man had instructed the droid to flee. But before any retrieval plans could be put in motion, one of their own - a Stormtrooper from the highly regarded FN rank - had helped the pilot escape from the Finalizer. The disabling of the fighter they had used to escape was a good thing. It also meant the time they had to find the droid was becoming strained. Were there to be any survivors from the wreckage and they found the droid first - the First Order would be back to square one. And Kylo Ren refused to be on the Supreme Leader's bad side.

General Hux went to the command center seeking out Kylo Ren to deliver the news of the disabled fighter. He approached a tall figure, clad all in black. From his boots to the thick hooded cape he wore, he was nothing less than intimidating. Hux, on the other hand, found Kylo Ren to be annoying. He was his competition when it came vying to be the Supreme Leader's favorite. Any given chance to snub or lightly harass the man, Hux gleefully obliged. The tantrums Kylo would have upon being angered were childish at best, a characteristic Hux loved to taunt him with.

"Kylo Ren." General Hux said, pausing behind man. Kylo Ren turned to Hux, the chrome lines of the helmeted mask he wore glinting under the ships lights.

"The stolen fighter has been disabled. They were headed back to Jakku to retrieve the droid. It will have crashed within the Goazon Badlands." Hux cooly reported to Kylo.

"Good." The man said deeply through his mask. "Prepare my shuttle."

"Sir?" General Hux asked, slightly confused.

"Are you deaf?" Kylo Ren asked scathingly from under his mask, his voice distorted but still vicious.

"Prepare my shuttle." He repeated. "I'm going after the droid."

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