Mysterious Ways

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Author's Note: It's the finale! Thank you so much to everyone who has read, voted, and commented on this story. I hope you guys will continue to read my other Reylo stories - both the old if you haven't read them already, and the new. ♡♡♡

*artwork used does not belong to me*

Ben hobbled down the hall towards the command bridge. They were spotted by Captain Peavey.

"What happened?" He snapped at Ben.

"It was Hux." He answered. "Hux killed Supreme Leader Snoke before fleeing to the Finalizer to conduct the attack on the Resistance."

"Good Gods!" Captain Peavey said aghast. "The Supreme Leader is dead?"

"Yes." Ben continued. "Snoke was angry at him for the destruction of Starkiller Base. He then shot the Supreme Leader and took out his guards. With this."

Ben handed the specialty blaster to Captain Peavey. Peavey took in his hands and gave it a questioning look.

"This is made from the same material as the guards weapons." Peavey said in a hushed tone. "That ginger bastard!"

"We confronted him about Snoke's murder and he attacked us."

"The Supremacy in en route. We will board and survey the scene as soon as it arrives." Peavey told them.

"Sir? We have movement from the Resistance cruiser." interrupted one of the ComLink operators.

Peavey turned around to see the Resistance cruiser slowly moving to face the fleet of star destroyers. The bridge of the Finalizer shook which could only mean one thing, the Supremacy had arrived.

"Just what do they think they are doing?" Peavey muttered as he watched the Resistance cruiser make an about face.

Whatever the Resistances plan was, Ben did not like the looks of it. It was clear they were going to try some sort of attack. If they were going to survive, they needed to get off the Finalizer and back to the shuttle.

"We need to get to the shuttle." Ben whispered to Rey. She nodded lightly.

"Ben..." She said softly. "We have to warn Phasma...."

He nodded to her. They turned around and hurried to the best of their ability back off the bridge.

"Where do you think you're going?" Peavey shouted at them.


Ben hurried and assisted Rey into the elevator.

"Just a little bit farther honey." He said to her as the elevator quickly made its descent. Rey was beginning to pale. She bravely nodded at him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. The doors to the hanger opened and Ben wrapped an arm around her, helping her to the shuttle.

She sat down heavily in the co-pilots chair and pressed down on her wound. Ben started up the shuttle and punched in a series of codes. A series of lights flashed on the dash and soon a projection of Phasma hovered above the controls.

"What is going on down there? Captain Peavey is requesting to board the Supremacy." She said to them.

"Phasma, you need to get out of there." Ben told Phasma. She huffed.

"General Hux put me in charge of this ship. If I -"

"Dammit Phasma there isn't going to be a ship much longer. Get out, NOW!" Ben shouted at the hologram.

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