His Apprentice

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Author's Note: This is a great week for writing apparently. Glad everyone is enjoying the story so far. And as usual, many thanks to all my followers, voters, and commenters - both old and new! Ya'll are the best. ♡

*artwork used does not belong to me*

"I accept." Kylo said to Snoke. There was no emotion in his voice as he agreed.

"Good... Good.... I will see it to it personally that you are training her properly." Snoke said, rubbing the tips of his fingers together in an almost scheming manner.

"General!" Snoke barked and Hux flinched.

"Yes... Supreme Leader?" Hux asked slowly.

"If you put one toe out of line with Ren's apprentice - one TOE! - the punishment will be severe. Are we clear?"

"Yes Supreme Leader." Hux replied, shooting Rey a disgusted look.

"I look forward to see you again, my sweet Desert Rose." Snoke said to Rey. Kylo grimaced.

They were led out by one of the red armored guards, Phasma following them quietly.

Rey's mind was running a mile a minute with questions for Kylo. It was almost painful to keep quiet.

Once onboard the shuttle, Rey rounded on Kylo - her mouth open, ready to spill.

"Not. Here." Kylo told her firmly, pointing a finger sternly at her as he walked past her to his seat up front.

She glared at his retreating back and went to her own seat, sitting down in a huff.

"Well, this did not go how I planned." Hux said, crossing his arms in annoyance after he had buckled himself in. He shot Rey a look.

"Even though you're no longer a slave, you still have to obey orders. How ironic." Hux commented to her.

"Don't talk to me." Rey snapped at him. He just glared back.

"Calm yourselves. You're behaving like children." Phasma scolded as the shuttle departed back to the Finalizer.


After they departed the ship, Rey tried to follow Phasma back to the elevators.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kylo asked her.

"To my room." Rey answered.

"No you're not." He told her. She crossed her arms.

"Why not?"

"You're my apprentice now. You do as I say." He said. She glared at him.

"That's not how an apprenticeship works." She said.

"You need to be properly evaluated before we can start your training." Kylo said, ignoring her. He started walking in the opposite direction Phasma had went. She sighed and begrudgingly followed.

Hux and Kylo walked side by side with Rey trailing not far behind.

"This was a bad idea." Hux was telling Kylo. "This is all your fault."

"She's seen the map. We needed her." Kylo was telling him. "It's not like I intended for her to become my apprentice."

"Oh really? I find that hard to believe." Hux shot back. "You saw the way he treated her. He's enamored by her! I'm not going to play second fiddle to a nobody."

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