The Wall

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Author's Note: A bit of a filler chapter, but sometimes that's how writing goes. Happy Star Wars Day Eve! ♡

*artwork used does not belong to me*

She rapidly blinked at him, trying to process what she had discovered.

"Your father is Han Solo. The Rebellion General?"

"No. The smuggler." He said, disdain in his voice.

"Then why do you call yourself Kylo Ren?"

"It is the name the Supreme Leader bestowed upon me. To erase who I really am from the First Order."

"Ben..." She whispered, her eyes searching his face. His breathing hitched as the name passed her lips. He suddenly shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut.

"You have disobeyed me, apprentice." He said, standing up straight and taking a step back from her. He outstretched a gloved hand at her.

"For that, you will be punished."

Rey narrowed her eyes at him.

"You wouldn't dare hit me." She told him.

"Who said anything about this being physical?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

His hand flexed open and she recoiled with pain as her memories were searched, for one in particular. The map. She cried out and stumbled into the kitchen counter, holding onto it for support. The sensation mirrored the technique Snoke had used earlier. Tears dripped from her eyes as the sharp pain was starting to become unbearable.

"Please....." She whimpered. "You're hurting me...."

The feeling almost instantly stopped. He straightened. They stared at each other intensely, both breathing heavily.

"You will go to your room. Breakfast is at 7 am - SHARP." He ordered her. She wiped at her face, glaring at him.

"Yes, sir." She said, feeling deflated.

"You will refer to me as Master Ren."

"Yes, Master Ren."

She snatched her arm wraps off his kitchen table on her way out the door, refusing to look back at him.


Kylo had a restless night. He couldn't sleep. True, he didn't sleep well most nights. That stemmed from his time training with his uncle. Last night, however, was different. He tossed and turned all night - feeling worried, anxious, upset. Most of all, he felt guilty.

He had hurt her from extracting the map. In the moment, he felt justified to get her back for divulging into his memories. The way she had pleaded him to stop cut him deep. The guilt seeped through his mind, the scenario playing itself over and over.

She was his apprentice now. He had to keep his temper in control around her or things wouldn't even have a chance at improving . He was already beginning to crack the trust she had instilled in him back on Jakku. She had started off as a stranger to him, but there was no denying they had a connection through their shared use of the Force. He could feel it. He hated to admit it, but it was probably one of the reasons he felt so troubled over how the day had ended. He would have to reign things in today.

He readied himself for the day, checking his holo pad for any updates to his schedule. None. That was at least a relief. He clipped his saber to his belt and approached his door, pressing the side panel to open it.

He was mildly startled when he found Rey standing outside his doors.

"Good morning." She said to him, not looking at him.

Desert Rose - A Reylo Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now