Prove It

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Author's Note: I know I said I'd upload later in the week.... SURPRISE! Did a lot of brainstorming today and I couldn't help myself. Pretty excited about the next few chapters. Major Reylo shipping on the way. ;)

*artwork does not belong to me*

Rey watched from the sidelines, partially hidden by a beam that supported the canopy above Unkar's trailer.

"As I see it, we can do things the easy way, or the hard way." Kylo was saying to Unkar.

"I'm listening..." Unkar said.

"You can keep the traitor... In exchange for the girl."

Rey gasped. Kylo's head whipped to his left and she knew their eyes met even from underneath the dark mask he wore. He snapped his gloved fingers at the Stormtroopers and two of the soldiers pushed through the crowd of villagers to get to her.

'Don't run.' She heard Kylo say inside her head. She tried to remain calm as the Stormtroopers pulled her out into the open from her hiding spot. General Hux squinted at her from beneath the brim of his hat.

"It can't be." He muttered. He looked her over. Despite the change in clothes, there was no mistaking that face and hair.

"The slave from the Cantina?"

His head snapped to Kylo.

"Ren, you can't be serious." Hux said. "This is completely unnecessaaaaaAAAAAACCCKKKK!" Hux began to choke and cough. Kylo had an open palm focused on Hux. What was happening to Hux? Was this Kylo's doing?

"So what will it be?" Kylo asked Unkar.

"HA!" Unkar said, laughing heartily. "A pathetic trade. The girl is worth a hundred of him." He said, giving Finn a shove. Finn gave Rey a panicked look and she could only stare helplessly back.

"Your offer is foolish." Unkar scolded the First Order. He eyed Rey suspiciously as the Stormtroopers stood on either side of her. She gave panicked looks between both Unkar and Kylo.

Kylo looked over at Rey and she looked back at him.

"The droid." Rey whispered to him. "I found it. I found the droid. And then someone stole him from my camp." She breathed quickly to Kylo.

Kylo suddenly took a few steps towards her and he raised a hand to her head and she could feel him search her mind once more.

"You've seen it.... You've seen the map...." He whispered, trying to contain his amazement. His head snapped back to Unkar.

"I see you've chosen the hard way." Kylo said to Unkar. "Keep the traitor, the girl is coming with us."

He waved his hand over Rey's forehead and she became limp, falling forward. He caught her in his arms and pulled her up and over his shoulder.

"SHE IS MY PROPERTY!" Unkar yelled, pulling out a blaster from underneath the metal sheath he wore on his front and brandished it at Kylo.

"Take care of them." Kylo ordered the Stormtroopers. The troopers aimed their blasters at Unkar and shots fired left and right as Hux and Kylo with Rey made a steady pace back to the shuttle.

"You can't be serious." Hux said, eyeing the rag doll like form of the Desert Rose that hung over Kylo's shoulder.

"She has seen the map. The map to Skywalker. She belongs to the First Order now."

Desert Rose - A Reylo Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now