Chapter 38: Staying Awake

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The Five were getting more and more frustrated with their gems and taking it out on each other. They were sure they would have the gems working by now that they were together but it didn't seem as though that was the case. The tensions between the Five of them were already at their limits, and this just brought it out more.

"Okay let's try it one more time," Aru sighs which Henry rubs his temples.

"If it didn't work after the first twenty times, what makes you think it'll work now?" Henry snaps.

"I don't know Henry but at least I'm attempting to make it work," Aru says.

"So are we and obviously it's not going to happen," he remarks which makes Aru mad that he twirls his finger and a gust of wind lifts Henry up from the root he was sitting on and throws him flat on his head. Henry jumps up, angry, and is ready to retaliate when Michael steps in.

"Enough!" Michael says, I know he's probably sick of the arguing but also because he's always gotten the worst of the hits when these two fight, "Arguing with each other won't make the gems work so let's take a break."

Aru and Henry both sigh and walk to opposite ends of the camp. This tension between them is really building, it makes me wonder if this would break them. I do believe the only reason they haven't gone their separate ways is because of me. I just wish there was a way for us to understand why the gems aren't working.

"When you guys got the gems, did they come with instructions?" I ask and I hear Ivan chuckle.

"Sadly Princess, I really think that those instruction must've gotten lost in the years," he smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Not written instructions, you had to get the gems from someone right, when you got them did they mention something?"

Michael shrugs, "Honestly the whole transformation is a blur. I don't remember it very well."

The other four nod in agreement, "It's been a long time, our memory isn't as good as it once was."

If there was a way to access those memories I'm sure we could get the answer but that was highly unlikely.

"Well we should head into town, we need supplies," I mention and they nod.

"Let's go before nightfall, some of us should stay here and start to set up camp," Michael mentions. It's decided that Owyne, Ivan, and I would head into town. Aru and Henry didn't want to and Michael was the only one who could keep them in check.

We didn't talk much on the way to town and when we got there, Ivan went his separate way to get water and food while Owyne and I went to grab some small things such as more cloaks and even a blanket because the nights were supposed to get colder. Once we gathered those stuff we were passing by a vendor that caught my attention. Her sign said 'Looking for answers, come see Armanka'. I knew it could be a hoax, many people have signs like these to get people to spend money and feed them some fake fortune but I've also heard stories that could actually attest to their credibility..

"Arabella," Owyne says when he noticed I'd stopped, "What are you doing?"

I knew if I told him I would get a resounding no but I figured it was worth a shot. I pushed the door open and was greeted by a room filled with trinkets. There were many wooden tables scattered with trinkets and bottles filled with all sorts of liquids. In the middle of the crowded room was a bench and sitting there was a gypsy woman. She had big, black curly hair held back by a green scarf. She wore a dark blue and white rugged dress and no shoes. Her eyes were dark, almost black, but she had a sweet smile on her face.

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