Chapter 30: Mid-Winter Festival

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It would take us some time to get to the place where Owyne's gem was hidden. In total it would take us about three days with stopping, less if we never slept or ate. Today was a new day, the plan today was to at least make the majority of the trip before setting up camp for the night. It took some disagreement, but that was eventually what was decided. At this point, the arguing was annoying and I just wished for them to go back to the people I knew.

Owyne led the way with Michael and Henry following closely behind while Ivan and Aru accompanied me. I was much shorter than the rest of them and it took me longer to keep up. Ivan and Aru didn't mind the slow walking, Ivan saw it as an opportunity to keep a lookout while Aru just hated walking fast in general. Walking at this pace though, I was able to realize the beauty of the forest. Before this quest I never would have been one to imagine the forest could be this serene or beautiful but now, it's the most relaxing place I have ever truly seen.

I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me and wasn't aware they stopped until I bumped right into Michael and lose my footing. Ivan grabbed me effortlessly and placed me back on my feet elegantly. I smile a thanks and look ahead as to why we've stopped. Straight ahead there was a sign that said Mirraboc Mid-Winter Festival. The town laid a couple miles ahead of the sign. I smiled at the thought of the Mid-Winter Festival, we used to have them all the time.

"Mid-Winter Festival?" Henry asks, with a raised eyebrow.

"Well it is that season," I inform them.

All five turn around and look at me, "You know what this is?"

I nod, "Everyone knows what this is; this is the most exciting yearly festival ever."

All five just stared at me confused.

"I can't believe you guys don't know what this is!" I complain, "I have really failed in teaching you guys traditions. The Mid-Winter Festival is celebrated by nearly every town in this kingdom. The tradition began a long time ago when it was freezing and the King felt bad for his subjects but loved the snow so he ordered food, drinks, dancing, games, and prizes to be put out. He invited everyone in the kingdom to come and join on the festivities, then at the end of the day, everyone retreated into the castle for a great big ball. More and more towns in this kingdom began taking the traditions and wealthy nobles began doing this. I can guarantee you almost every town has this."

"That's dumb," Henry remarks and I roll my eyes.

"It's a lot of fun, we used to have them all the time."

Michael smirks, "I remember, you got lost at one."

I remember that as well but I didn't say anything, "Perhaps we should stop and get supplies. We're low on food and drink and we should probably stock up."

"It's a delay," Michael informs me.

"I know but it'll be helpful, everything is free so it'll be cheaper."

Aru nods, "Hey I'm all for free food and games."

Owyne speaks as well, "Me too, it sounds fun."

Ivan shrugs, "I don't care."

Henry shakes his head, "We should keep moving."

"Well you two stay, we'll go," Aru tells them, to which Michael shakes his head.

"Fine, we can stop by, but only for a couple minutes."

I don't know who looks happier, Aru, Owyne or I. Aru pumps his fist in the air, "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

It doesn't take us long to reach the town. The fresh snow makes the town look even prettier with paper snowflakes strung along the rooftops. There were tents put up, with some that held food and drink. Some held small pens of animals and others hosted children's games. There was a band playing some music with people initiating popular dances. There was even a fighting competition where you face off against a bunch of opponents and whoever remained won. I saw Ivan eyeing the arena while Henry went off to grab supplies. Aru was busy stuffing his face with food while the children found Owyne interesting. Eventually the children ended up being swung in a circle by Owyne. The sight made me smile, this is exactly how I remembered the Mid-Winter festival to be. Michael and Ivan stood plastered at my side and when a lively song began to play I couldn't help myself.

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