Chapter 25: Memories

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I've always heard that when you're close to death, you relive all your memories. My memories were an issue but right now, it didn't feel like it was blocked. I was reliving everything I have ever experienced. It could be the poison messing with my head but this felt way too real.

I see myself when I was perhaps five years old with two braids and a purple dress. Having just finished an etiquette lesson with one of my tutors, I was standing at a corridor, looking out at the large garden where the other young noble children were playing. I was alone. The girls weren't big fans of me, instead they were all crowding around a young Xenia. Xenia had her fiery red hair let down and wore a dark green dress.

"Xenia," one girl with blonde hair speaks, "Why can't you be the princess? You're so much cooler than Arrabella."

Little me didn't really care, I wasn't a fan of those girls anyway. Looking beyond them, I noticed a group of young boys who were all huddled around a taller boy with light brown hair with eyes that matched my own. He had a plastic sword and held it in the air while wearing a crown. Immediately I knew, he was my brother. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey Arrabella!" He speaks, "I just killed a dragon."

I nod, looking up at him in awe, "Cool! Can I play too?"

My brother and all the boys begin laughing, "No, you're a girl. Girls can't fight, go play dress up with Xenia and the other girls."

I pout, glancing away, "They don't like me."

"Come on Arrabella," my brother jokes, "You're the princess. Everyone has to like you. Anyway, we have to go kill another dragon...see you later!"

They were off, leaving me standing alone in the corridor alone with only two options. I could either go force Xenia and the girls to play with me or go to the garden and sit alone. I chose the garden because it's far less chatty and more peaceful. I first sneak into William's room, taking one of his plastic swords, and head out to the garden. A princess wasn't supposed to know how to fight but I refused to be useless, so I was going to teach myself. I wasn't good but I was pretty decent, and I learned pretty well considering I taught myself.

Walking through the garden I went into the middle which was pretty far from the castle and secluded. I can be left alone here for hours on end without being bothered by anyone. But today when I went to my usual place, I wasn't alone; standing there was Owyne, assessing the flowers.

"Owyne," Henry rolls his eyes, "The flowers are fine."

"Would you be fine if someone stepped on you?!" Owyne snaps at Henry who simply shrugs.

"They're just plants."

Owyne's eyes go wide, "They are living beings! They have feelings too! Goodness Henry, I can't believe you said that!"

"Are you two really arguing about plants?" Ivan asks, coming up with Michael and Aru.

"Don't you have better things to do than tend to the roses?" Michael asks with a smirk.

"Like protect the kingdom," Aru puts in.

"Speaking of which," Ivan motions his head towards me, "We have one right here."

All Five of them turn to look at me. I was used to them being around. They were charged with protecting the kingdom since they were the strongest. But looking at them then and now, they haven't aged at all. They looked the same except they seemed much closer back then than they were now.

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