Chapter 12: The Cave

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Finding Owyne was a stroke of luck, but I really don't think we'll have that same luck with Ivan. I mean, fires are extremely rare and if one happened, surely the entire kingdom would be talking about it. But there haven't been any fires or anything out of the ordinary. It's almost as if Ivan is purposely hiding low, so we won't find him. Or according to Aru, Ivan is scared to see his glorious face again...I'm thinking the first one.

Owyne is pretty awesome; all of them are, well minus Henry who still gets angry at me all the time for no reason. Other than Henry though, they're pretty great to be around. Owyne has been teaching me new moves when fighting, much to Michael's dismay. He's afraid I'm going to get injured, but I have to practice, or else I won't be able to keep up with the rest of them. I refuse to be a hindrance. Also, Owyne has all the knowledge of berries, flowers, trees, animals, and all those things. It's really interesting to hear how into everything he is. He absolutely loves the earth and everything about it.

Today we were exploring a cave, or really a giant hole in the ground that looks like a cave. We don't really know what's down there, but apparently Ivan is a fan of really dark places. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's really nervous about going down there to explore. For one thing, it's dark. And another thing, we don't know what's down there. But I guess I agreed to do everything in this mission, so if this means going down into creepy caves, then so be it.

"So who want's to go first?" Henry asks with a smirk on his face. Almost immediately all three of them look at Aru, whose eyes go wide and he laughs nervously.

"Oh come on guys," he says, his voice shaking a bit, "I can't go first.".

"And why not?" Henry asks, Michael is grinning along with Owyne.

Aru stutters as he talks, "Well I-I mean, i-if I were to go down there f-f-first, and something dangerous was there, the really funny, extremely good-looking one would die. A-And what would the Five be without their most attractive member...right guys?"

Owyne and I laugh, but Michael simply rolls his eyes while Henry glares, "Now I might just throw you in there myself.".

Aru takes a step back, "Whoa, whoa Henry, you can't kill your best friend.".

"Who says you're my best friend," Henry tries to keep his serious face but I see his mouth twitch as if he wants to smile really badly. I'd never really guess that they'd be best friends, but I guess people work in weird ways. Henry and Aru begin arguing about their "friendship"; Michael eventually heads over to try and break it up, but he only get's sucked into it.

It seemed fine until Aru stuck his tongue out, which I suppose triggered his powers and blew a gust of wind straight towards Henry, literally blowing him away straight into a tree. Henry's face went extremely red with anger. I saw him leap off the tree, hitting straight into Aru, and dragging through the ground. Aru uses the wind to push Henry off him and Henry lands on his feet. He is able to conjure some water from the plants around him and use it to send it Aru's way. Aru dodges it only be hit by another wave of water. Seeing this entire thing play out was pretty hilarious actually; especially when Michael got involved.

Michael tries to break it up, heading towards the two of them and intending on keeping them apart. Or at least, that was the plan. What really happened was...Aru ended up hitting Michael with the wind, and Henry accidentally sent the wave of water into Michael. Michael often got angry, but he was never this furious. He conjured up lightning and slammed it into the ground, to the point where Aru and Henry both flew to opposite sides of the forest. Owyne had put up a wall made up of rock to keep us both safe. When the dust settled, and the wall went down, I finally saw the aftermath.

A giant crater formed in the place Michael was in while there were a couple trees down on both sides where Aru and Henry hit into. Michael shook his hair from his face and placed the sword back in his belt, making his way back towards us. I saw Aru and Henry both appearing from the sides of the forest, their clothes ripped but not too badly.

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