Chapter 31: Owyne's Gem

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Unlike Henry, Owyne didn't recognize his gemstone's location. We were walking along a dirt path that cut through vast fields of tall grass and wildflowers. Our pace had quickened a lot, and although it was tiring, we were determined to reach the destination as soon as we could. The path, which was too straight to be natural, had tracks from wagons and horses that seemed to have frequented this route. Although it was reassuring to know that we were near some sort of civilization, it also put us on alert. This is area was out in the open with almost no cover for us. Occasionally a rabbit or squirrel would jump up from the grass and startle us. We walked for nearly the entire day, and when the sun began to set, we began discussing our plans for camp.

"Normally we would start our preparations for the night," Owyne said, "But I can sense that the gem is closer. We may be able to get it before the day ends."

Michael shakes his head, "Even if we get to its exact location, we would end up looking for it in the dark. It's a safer bet to look for it in the morning."

Even though the discussion should have ended here, Aru, with his arms crossed, had other thoughts. "If Owyne is getting a strong sense for it and we can get it by today, though, then we'll be able to get the next gem sooner. I think we should keep going."

Michael's eyes narrow at Aru, "We can't risk traveling through the night with only the slight possibility of finding the gem. We'll wait until it's light out again."

I could see Aru grit his teeth, but he didn't say another word. We went some ways off of the trail to set up our camp. Henry and I set up the tents while the others took care of the other usual resources. After finishing food preparations, Owyne stood up and announced that he'd explore for a bit away from the camp to see if he could get a better feeling of where to go for the gem. Aru, who was lazily picking at the grass, jumped up at the mention of Owyne's plans and went along with him. Michael was resting in one of the tents after doing some hunting.

I breathed out a sigh and took a seat next to Ivan. I watched him stoke the fire for a bit before muttering.

"Would you tell me about their argument if I asked you?"

"Are you asking me?" he inquired without looking at me.


"Hm..." he pondered unenthusiastically and then gave a blunt answer, "No."

"But why not?"

"Because it is an unpleasant story that I would like very much to not have to recall."

At that moment Henry took a seat across the fire from us. He'd overheard our conversation and added, "He's right, Arrabella. Reminding us of back then may only do more to hurt this annoying situation."

I rested my head in the palm of my hand and stared down at the fire, "Then what do you suppose we do? It can't go on like this. The atmosphere between them is suffocating."

Ivan placed down the stick he was using for the fire and leaned back against the log we were using as a bench.

"Who says we have to do anything? Everything will work out somehow," he said.

"That's not reassuring."

He smiled, "Trust me princess. They won't be like this forever. Right now, there are

just some things that need to be worked out," he paused and then added more softly, "Not just among them, but the whole group as well."

I looked over at Ivan and saw a tinge of pain in his eyes. Despite how little he seemed to have cared for the argument until now, I suppose that even he has his own feelings about whatever transpired long ago. But just yesterday, I thought that maybe things were finally improving. How long will they continue to be bitter towards one another? If the Five can't properly work together, how could we possibly face Victor?

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