Chapter 33: Bar

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Ivan kept me close to his side as we walked into the town. According to him, the town fell into ruin and crime escalated. I had to stay close by because someone would likely try something if I were alone. The others followed closely behind, creating a kind of barricade around me. We stopped in the town square and Ivan stared at a pub, more so the pub he and Anna went to. Right across was what he said was his old blacksmith shop, or well, what was now an empty space was.

Ivan said that the moment we walked into the town, he could sense his gem. However, he couldn't tell if the gem was strongest in the pub or in the shop so we split up. I wanted to go with Ivan, much to Michael's dismay, and Aru went with us. While Michael, Henry, and Owyne went to the shop. Entering the pub, I didn't have any high hopes. There were basic wooden tables that were falling apart, and a wooden bar that was barely standing but had plenty of alcohol for men to drown their sorrows in. There were many women working here, serving drinks, and offering different favors that were not the drink kind, at least that's what I'm assuming the upstairs area was for. We took a seat at one of the tables in the corner, trying to draw as little attention as we could.

"So Ivan," I speak softly, "Are you getting a feel for the gem?"

He shrugs, "I feel it's presence but I'm not sure where. It feels distant in here."

"So it must be at the shop," I tell him.

"I don't know."

"I don't want to alarm you guys, but we should definitely order something because the bartender is giving us dirty looks," Aru says, "We're drawing attention."

Ivan nods, "I'll get some drinks so we can stay a bit, you two stay here."

Aru shakes his head, "No, I'll get the drinks, you two stay here."

Aru gets up and heads to the bar. Ivan suddenly jolts and turn stiff.

"Ivan?" I ask.

"The gem has to be here, I just felt it."

"Well go see where it feels the strongest," I tell him, "Aru is right over there, he can keep an eye on me but you might not get this chance again."

Ivan nods, "Promise me you'll be as careful as you can?"

I smile,"Of course."

He smirks, "Alright, I'll be right back."

I've always been told that when you feel nervous, you should never show it. The minute you do, people see you as weak and will try their best to overcome you. I tried my hardest to not show it. Aru was close by but still, being alone at a table in a pub that was in a very sketchy town was something that freaked me out a little, understandably so. Ivan was close by as well but he was trying to subtly look for his gem. I figured I'd be fine alone for a bit, and I was until they approached.

It was a pair of men, they approached my table and sat right next to me and across from me. Aru was engaged with the bartender in something while Ivan was distracted as well. I was at a table all alone with two men who did not look very friendly. Even though one smiled at me, I saw something in his eyes that terrified me. His eyes were dull and dead and he didn't care about anything anymore.

"Well you're new?" He speaks, flashing me a grin, "What's your name?"

"Not really your business, is it?"

He smirks, "Darling, everything is my business."

He places a hand on my leg and it sends chills up my spine. I hold my knife in my left hand ready to strike when needed. He moves his hand up a little higher, still smiling; that smile was definitely creeping me out. When his hand moved again, I grabbed the knife, trying to get him but he simply grabbed my hand and ripped the knife out. He held it at my side, looking amused.

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