Chapter 21: Escape from the Castle

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There wasn't enough time to mourn. Owyne suddenly came in, his face filled with concern.

"There are people coming this way, and I heard Victor's name being called. If the other three are already trailing him then they might be able to hold him off, but we should leave now.".

Michael gently pulled me off him and looked down at me. "Arrabella, we should leave now.".

I nod, wiping my eyes on my sleeve, "Okay..."

I turn and take one last look at my father. I caress his hand one more time. We need to leave now, but...I don't want to leave him here like this. No, I can't leave him here.

The doors are suddenly thrown open. Down the hall, Aru, Henry, and Ivan are doing their best in fighting off Victor's guards, but there are many of them. It's almost as if Victor had anticipated this, and had assembled his own army in preparation. Victor stands in the middle of the doorway, an evil grin on his face, and he is flanked on either side by two elites.

"You're looking well, Princess." he sneers and then straightens himself, preparing to put on an exaggerated show, most likely for his own amusement, as there was no one except us to argue with him. "To think that you would kill your own father! Have you no shame?!" He throws a hand over his face and clenches his chest, "You must know that it pains me greatly to do this, but" he points a finger towards me, a grin on his face, "As advisor to the king, I order the arrest of Princess Arrabella for the regicide of King Gregory Embertail!".

I know I should've spoken, said anything, made a remark back, but I couldn't. He had a point; I couldn't save my father in enough time. If I had only been quicker, he could still be alive right now. So I should've sneered something back, defended myself, but I just couldn't. And Victor would use his claim, along with the testimonies of the elites, to prove that I was the murderer, and no one would dare listen to a truth spoken by the shunned Magnificent Five.

"We all know who is really responsible," Michael speaks. Victor may look tough right now but in his eyes, I see the fear.

"Ah! I see you were successful in assembling the Five," Victor tells me. He waves his hand in front of the Five and dispels all of their disguises. "I must commend you on a job well done for that. Now, tell me Magnificent Five, does the darling princess know the reason behind why you were exiled all those years ago? Also I would've figured that you would never help an Embertail after they exiled you.".

None of them speak until finally, after pushing back one of Victor's men and stepping up with Henry and Ivan, Aru does, "It was a long time ago, it doesn't matter the reason. What matters right now is that you will not get away with anything. This kingdom is Arrabella's and we won't let you take it from her.".

Victor smirks, "Oh, so you mean to say that William, the original heir to the throne, is not important?".

I perked up a bit, the name sounds very familiar but I cannot place a face for that name. The guys' faces darken a little. I want to speak and say something but all I can do is stare at my father. I should have been better.

"Maybe Princess Arrabella should know all about William and what happened to him," Victor speaks, "How you couldn't save him, just as you couldn't save her father. I commend you, Princess, on gathering the Five, but as you can see, you were too late. All your efforts were wasted, your father is dead, and soon enough you will be tried and executed as a criminal as well."

His words were soaking in a lot more than I cared for them to. Every word he spoke hurt me and I was angry about that. I should be stronger, I'm the rightful queen now. I close my eyes, "This is my kingdom now."

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