War Losses

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Months  Later...
"King Henry is dead. Long live King Arthur!"

It came fast to the young King. Unlike those before him, he did not have time for proper crowning. He was in the middle of a year long war. Wales had fallen to the Spanish armies three months ago. Scottish men guarded the boarder between both nations. France had been sacked by romian military. Germany pulled out their support weeks ago, preferring to not lose anymore men to a seemingly lost war. As that was needed was his death England would be Mary's. Not that she hadn't had her losts.

Mary's mother, Queen Regent of Scotland, was caught fleeing during a night attack in France. She was strangled by my men and her corpse was sent to my palace. I then had her head cut off and hung on a spike outside the palce gates. Although, I'd tried not to remain moralful during this long war, I decided to play dirty. I sent an assassin to Rome and had the Pope shot with three posion arrows during a progress in front of his subjects. I then ordered his decapictated body to sent to Scotland. His mangled body was put into Mary's bed. Then their was her generals that decided to go against her orders to retreat. They found their wat into the inner folds of the kingdom and met their poor end. I had all three of the Lords shot with posion arrow. It only caused them to fall ill. We then questioned them, only to come out empty handed. Since they wouldn't talk, I had their tongues cut out and sent to their men on the outer skirts of the kingdom.

For which Mary's armies decided to rebell against their ideal plans and attacked the villiages and were burned alive by the explosives I ordered to be made. That was 5,000 men burned alive and again sent back to Scotland for all to see. Although, Mary was winning in territory, her subjects were growing frustrated as dragged this war on. My people had enough food, water and shelter to last them until the next winter, since we prepared for this war long before it started. But since Mary's subjects never knew this war was to take place until it actually started. Her people were suffering, her men were dying off and sooner or later she'd have to back out of this war.
Mary's P.O.V

"We can't continue on like this, Majesty."  Lord Hoswel advised. "Our treasury is low on income. We have no food to feed our people, even with the tribute from sacked territory. Our men are growing tired of fighting this battle. Arthur refuses to surrender and no one can enter the palace to finish the job. England can last out this war until the end of the year. We won't survive another month." Lord Worwick. I looked over to my brother, who nodded, knowing this was the signal. My nobles would rebell against my rule if I continued on this way. I needed to end this war, once and for all.
Arthur's P.O.V

I jumped from my chiar. "They're retreating?" My Lords smiled. "Sire, Queen Mary has been left with no supplies. Although she came in with allies, they all showed their true colors. Each of them had their own needs from this war. Once they got what they wanted, Scotland was left to fend for itself. France was released from military rule and returned back to the power of your sister." I fell back down into my seat, grinning cheek to cheek. My sister now held full power in France. I held full power here in England. I'd lasted out my first war. "Send for my wife to come here and repent for her crimes against the crown. Write that this is the only way she'll ever be forgiven for her rebellion. In honor of my reign starting shall pardon her, and accept her back into my good graces. She will come to court, repent for her sins and kiss the skirts of my mother, the Queen Dowager. And she will pledge her alligance to the English crown in front of all of the court. Tell her that her brother will need to come to court as well and answer for his treason, and beg for my forgiveness like the bastard that he is."

All of Lords smirked as Lord Ladoly wrote my decree. I would be merciful, but I would also show them who held the power. Mary would come like come plead for forgiveness on her hands and knees. Her brother would get the chance to beg for his life, and I would grant mercy. The mercy of cutting his head of swiftly instead of giving him the long, painful death he deserved.
Mary's P.O.V

James and I, flanked by our servants and ladies walked through the throneroom where Arthur sat with a crown on his head. He was lavishly dressed as was his mother as she stood next to him, glaring at me with each step I took. Once we reached the dias, we both fell to our knee with our faces planted into the ground. I cursed myself as I plead for forgiveness in front of his damned court. "Your Majesty, I humbly beseech your forgiveness. I am a lowly Queen looking for mercy from my Lord husband for my sins against the crown. I deserve death, but I ask for my life in return for my repenting alligence. Your Majesty, I beseech your greatness to her my cries. I am nothing without your approval. Allow me another chance to prove myself  loyal servant of the crown." I hear Arthur release a chuckle at my words. Let him have this moment, we'll see who' laughing in the end.
Anne's P.O.V
After the cermony of the beggar Queen and her deranged bastard brother I went to pay my granddaughters a visit in the royal nursery. I walked past two unfamiliar faces, who must've been watching the girls. I paid the servants no mind as I walked over to the crib of my eldest granddaughter, born from my son previous mistress. I reached over to her bed to turn over her sleeping body. "My beloved child, open your beautiful eyes and join grandmother in the gardens." She never did. I felt thick liquid from the side of the small child, raising my hands, I see blood. My eyes widen in panic as I pick her up to see the child was dead with blood running out of her mouth. "Posion! The King's daughter as been posioned! Go get his majesty." I turn to face the ladies who suppose to be watching the girls.

When I did turn I saw they were already behind me. Before I could inquire what was happening a knife drove into my abdomen. I look down to see it came from one of the ladies, I look up to them unable to speak. Another knife is stabbed into me. One of the girls step forward, closer to me as I feel myself lipping away. "Queen Mary sends her regards." My eyes widen again in shock, wanting to call out for help, but unable to do so. Another thrust with noth their kneives and I was gone.
Henry's P.O.V

I lead the way as James, Mary's brother was dragged behind me by my men. "We'll make it a quick death." He smirked at me. "Promise?" His reaction surprised me but I didn't respond. As we walked a pair of ladies, I did not recognize came into our direction on the oppisite side of the hall. They stopped and curtseyed then rose. "Your Majesty, Queen Mary sends her regards." I give them a quizzled expression, turning to James who only shrugged with his hands still captured. When I turned around to the ladies it was as quick as lightning. One of their hands moved and a dagger was dug into my stomach. She didn't bother stopping as my two guards dropped james to defend me. Only for James to draw one of their swords first and kill them.

I fell to my knees after being stabbed three times, the dagger still in my chest. My eyes lifted to Jame, who hovered over me with that same smirk. "I told you it would be quick. Queen Mary sends her regards" I raised my hand to stop him, but he swung anyway and my life ended as my head and arm detached from my body.
Mary's P.O.V

The guards posted at each exit as my ladies, servants and brother surrounded me. We'd been unsuccessful in escaping after putting an end to Tudor Dynasty. Lord Worwick and Lord Folwey tore throw all the servants and women easily, showing no mercy. Once all my people were down, and only my brother and I were left I put my hands up in surrender. "Kill me. My duty to Europe is done. The Tudor dyanasty is over. Their are no more children to continue this  horrid family." I smirked as the two Lords shook their heads. "Your own daughter is apart of that dyansty?"

James followed my lead, surrending and smirking. "I think you mean "was apart of that dynasty"." Both the Lords glanced at each other, as if mentally conversing one other. And I remembered I never saw the body. My head shot in realization. "It's "was", isn't it? Lily is dead, isn't she?" James was panicked as we both looked to each other. "Isn't she?!" That was my final thought when Lord Folwey's sword came crashing down on me ending my life. Next to me, my brother was killed at the same moment.

The Protege: Anne BoleynTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang