New Friend of England

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                Prince Arthur gleamed on as his father introduced his family to the Viking Chief. He'd never such a scene where the women dared to wild a sword. He hardly ever saw a girl ride a horse bare, without a saddle. Women around him daily were never that brave. Every Viking, including owned their own horse and weapon, even the few children that rode beside the adults. Most we around his age or appeared to be. One young girl stuck out to him. Her hair was pitch black, like his mother's. Her eyes were emerald green and lured him in. As their eyes met his heart skipped a beat. He felt a tug on his shoulder, glancing below him, he found Princess Victoria. "What are you staring at so intensely?" 

          He rolled his yes. "Mind yourself Victoria. Do not question me. I am your brother, but I am also the crowned prince- first and foremost. I do not answer to you." Arthur groaned, pushing past his sister. Victoria huffed and followed his lead, stopping at her mother's side. Queen Anne smiled at her daughter as she held her hand. "Do not worry my dear one. These strangers may not stay long." Anne swore to her daughter. Henry introduced Prince Arthur to Chief Achak and his daughter, Lunalice Aiyana. "Pardon Father, but Lunalice...?" Arthur questioned, not understanding the meaning of the name. 

       Chief Achak mentally for the meaning in the english language, "I believe you Castle men address them as Princesses, " Achak explained. "So she is a Princess? How nice." Arthur replied observing the girl, who appeared annoyed by his questions. "Ukana um mocatilcee," She mumbled. "I beg your pardon?" King Henry laughed. "Do not mind this girl. Her tongue is quick and impossible to hold. Just as her mother's once was," Achak scoffed, glaring at his daughter. "Reminds me of someone I love," Henry laughed, looking over his shoulder to his wife. 

       "I'd like for you to meet my wife and youngest daughter. My love, bring forth our daughter," Henry urged to Anne. She moved slowly towards the men. "Not a very open one, is she? Very cautious?" The chief wondered. "Actually, not quite. She does not take well to strange people around the children. She tends to believe their are some who wish to harm," Henry admitted as Anne and Victoria arrived at his side. 

              "Mother this is Chief Achak and Princess Aiyana," Athur joined into the conversation, moaning as the Princess' name rolled off his tongue. "Lunalice...not Princess," Aiyana corrected. "Right, forgive my mistake. This is Lunalice Aiyana," Arthur finished. Victoria cheered, "FInally another girl to play with." Aiyana smirked, "I do not play little girl. I fight, but if you wish I can teach you how to wield a sword." Anne pulled her daughter behind her, "I am afraid she is too young to 'wield a sword' maybe another time or age." "Nonsense, no child her age is too young to learn how to utilize a weapon," Chief Achak added, jumping off his horse.

Aiyana followed her father off of her horse as their army began to dismantle. "Come, Achak. You and Aiyana may be given chambers in the palace. My men informed me that your army perfer to set up camp in the wilderness," Henry boomed. "Father, if you allow me. I too will stay with our men." Aiyana wished. "You must think me to be a fool. You are go where I go," Achak commanded. Aiyana's held fell as she realized she'd fallen out of line, "My apologies father." Anne shook her head at the submissive nature that the same girl who snapped at her son a few moments ago inhabited. 

       These people were strange and their customs even stranger. Their visit would be one to not forget. If she could even get rid of the barbarians before her son jumped the poor Viking Princess and recieved his first broken heart. 

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