Birth of A New Nation

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Anne stood in the hallway pacing back and froth until Henry arrived. King Arthur was still unable run England himself and now Katherine had just made a negotiation with Spain that would put yet another Spaniard in power. Katherine nephew, Emperor  Charles of Spain was to arrive to sign a peace treaty with England. On the accounts that Katherine's son would marry the infanta (princess) Juana, Charles' daughter. Henry couldn't believe the audacity of this woman, to marry her bastard child to a royal house that England planned to have no relations with in the future.

"I do not take my orders from you, Margaret. I am Queen and as of now Regent. i act upon my husband's best chances, " Katherine shouted. Margaret and the King's council were attempting to help Katherine see the bad in her decision. "Your son isn't eligible for a wife until the rumors of your infidelity have been put to rest little girl. You may be Arthur's wife, but England takes orders from English rulers nor Spanish princesses," Sir Robert argued on Lady Margaret defense. His fellow councilmen joined in on his position. They were under strict orders from Lady Margaret that Katherine wasn't allowed to leave this chamber until she confessed her truths.

While they held her captive, her children were being brought to Henry's own household. "What rumors do you speak of?" Katherine questioned confused. "We are all aware of your affair with your Spanish guard. He has given up all the details of your relations. How you paid him to lie with you to sire a son," Margaret bluffed. Katherine wouldn't back down if she thought they didn't know. They didn't have his name or him, but they knew about the deal thanks to Katherine English ladies. They served Margaret before any Queen. They told her about the midnight visits and the gold he was paid, unfortunately none of them new his name, for none of them spoke Catilian.

Katherine glanced between the elderly men and Margaret. They knew her secrets and now she was going to be a head shorter if she didn't give in. "What will happen to my children?" Katherine questioned. "Your bastards have been put on a ship to Spain as we speak, your brother in law is ensuring that. Your husband won't be told of your affair. He won't survive anyway," Margaret stated honestly. The men all looked between each other. Margaret was never one for holding her town. "You will renounce your crown, leave England and never return. Your uncle has already been informed of your mistakes. You will be punished by your own laws, goodbye Katherine," Margaret answered all at once


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