1. Meeting the Merman

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"You promise you'll come back right?"

"I will."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

"Cause you know if you dont I'll come after you."

"I'm sure you will."

They were two kids playing in a grassy meadow. A boy and a girl both so young and so ignorant to the world and the dangers that surrounded them. Back then it was simply to kids playing. If only Y/n could've seen the danger that lingered in those bright green eyes. She should've never gone in the forest. All the kids know to never set foot in the forest. Bad things always happen there.

Your pov.

I awoke early that morning to the sound of bells chiming outside my window. I slowly got up and pulled up the curtains as I glared at the morning sun. Beneath my window crowds of people were forming as they rang large silver bells and chanted "Praise be to the forest king!".

"Why me?" I groaned as I rolled over in my bed and tried desperately to go back to sleep. It had been a week since the drawing. I had been told that it was something that must be done every year but I never thought I would ever have much to do with it. That was until my name was called and I was crowned royal messenger of the forest king.

"Its so sad."

"She's so young."

"Do you think she will be ok?"

I heard the people whispering as I ran home at top speeds and cried into my pillow. The job of messenger of the forest king was simple. I was to collect letters from the village chiefs and deliver them to the forest king in the woods on a weekly basis. It wasn't a bad job and I knew I would forever be honored if I did it well, however, the forest was very dangerous. It was rumored to be full of monsters and spirits. I can't even count how many messengers went into the dark woods to never return again. Sometimes their bones would mysteriously show up on their familys doorstep but that was rare.

"I don't want to do it." I groaned at my mom as I stepped down the stairs and into the livingroom. My father ignored me and continued reading his papers while my mother shot me a sad and sympathetic look.

"You don't have a choice." She muttered as she hurried to prepare my bag and pack my lunch for the day ahead. I had never seen my mother so sad before as she appeared that morning. I had wanted to complain more but seeing her in that state completely took it out of me.

"You're going to do great."My older brother Christian told me as he handed me a plate of breakfast. He was nearly twenty-three and still living at home. He was a tall man with broad shoulder and deep brown hair and eyes. I smiled weakly at him as I sat down next to my brother and began to eat. He smiled at me but I could see the worry he was trying to hide in his brown eyes.


After eating breakfast mother handed me my bag full of formal documents from the village chiefs and I stepped outside where I was greeting by the crowd of people and chiming bells. The crowd followed me through the small village roads and to the forest edge where a large dark archway loomed overhead signaling ones passage into the forest.

I took one last look back at the crowd behind me before stepping through and into the forest. Immediately I was surrounded by various sounds. Birds chirping, bees buzzing, and a faint splashing from what I assumed was a nearby stream. The forest was dense but I was told as long as I stick to the trail I won't get lost. That would've have been good advice if it wasn't for the trail abruptly ending an hour into my journey.

"What the...." I muttered as I looked both ways an searched the overgrown brush for the small dirt road but it had completely vanished from sight. To make things even creepier I suddenly had the overwhelming sensation that I was being watched.

"Everything is fine." I muttered to myself as I tried to calm my racing heart. I slowly started walking forward in the hopes that the trail would eventually reappear again but instead my path was quickly cut off by a large lake that appeared out of nowhere. I had to stop myself short to keep myself from falling in and even then I nearly stumbled on a rock before quickly catching my footing. I took a couple minutes to stare at the sparkling blue waters in thought. It was so beautiful and seemed to calm me done immediately as all thoughts of danger disappeared. But then...


I nearly jumped out of my skin as I heard a small male voice calling out to me. My hand immediately went to my pants pocket where my brother had hidden his old pocket knife for me to use in case of danger. Steadily I surveyed my surrounding but was surprised to see nothing. Then the voice came again.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

I was silent for a second before shakily answering back.

"W-who's there?!"

"It appears I have frightened you. Sorry about that." The voice answered and I was caught off guard by their polite nature as I continuously looked this way and that looking for the source. Were they perhaps hiding in the trees?

"I'm down here." The voice said and I felt something wet on my leg. I immediately looked own and screamed as I fell backwards on my but and hastily crawled back. There in the water was a man but not just any man, it was a merman with long blue hair and deep purple eyes. His tan skin was highlighted by the blue fins that sprouted from his arms and neck and he had a long blue tail swaying quietly in the water. He looked at me with curious eyes all the while he had a tight grip on my foot.

"L-let go!" I screamed at him as I kicked out. He looked surprised as he dropped my foot immediately and slowly sank a little further back into the water until he was into his shoulders.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you." He mumbles and I am once again caught off guard by his quiet and polite nature. "Are you the new messenger?" He asks and I slowly nod my head.


"Really?! But you're so young. So far I've only seen old men messengers. This is the first time I've met such a pretty girl."

I blush lightly at the compliment before quickly brushing it off and jumping to my feet. I turn to leave but a grip on my leg stops me.

"Wait! Don't go!" The merman yells, somewhat panicked.

"I-I have to get to the forest king." I mumble. "I have documents...." I fiddle with my bag straps as I try to think of what to do. The merman appears big and strong with huge muscles. If he tried to pull me into the lake I wouldn't stand a chance.

"I'm not going to hurt you." The Merman states, reading my thoughts. "I just want to talk a bit. I get so lonely here. Besides you are heading the wrong way."

"What?" I ask confused.

"The castles that way." He says as he points in the opposite direction of where I was heading. I mentally face palm at my own stupidity as I catch sight of the dirt trail on the other side of the lake. How did it get over there.

"It must be fate that we met." The merman continues. "My name is Merlin. Will you please tell me yours."

I felt like I kind of owed him something since he saved me from a day of aimlessly wandering through the woods.

"I'm Y/n." I mumble and Merlin beams.

"What a beautiful name! Well Y/n, from now on you will be passing by my lake every week so I hope we can become friends!"

I silently nod and flash him a small smile as I step around the lake and head towards the dirt trail. He doesnt seem dangerous. In fact, he seems really nice. Maybe being a  mesenger won't be so bad.

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