Chapter Thirty Six: Unspoken feelings

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Chapter Thirty Six: Unspoken feelings

[Rachael’s POV]

After the beach yesterday we spent most of the night at a beautiful restaurant on the ship before heading off to ‘the Dome’. An adults bar that which we’d already been to a few days ago. It seemed like the perfect idea until I found out Lauren was meeting us there. Don’t get me wrong, I’m completely 100% over Liam. But for some strange reason it still hurts me to see him with another girl. But what shocked me even more than seeing Lauren at the bar was the fact that Liam had brought her back to our room to do the one hurtful thing that he’d done with that girl in America, it had been the reason why we broke up. Gemma and I had left the bar together a lot earlier than those two but were soon woken up when they both arrived back at the room drunk. He stumbled through the doorway in the dark with Lauren on his arm. They laughed at each other while they made their way through the room removing their items of clothing, starting with their shoes. Liam kicked his off quickly without any aim at all almost causing them to shatter the glass door to the balcony. I lied still in my bed as I peered across the room at Liam and Lauren who were both completely oblivious to the fact that Gemma and I were sharing the same room as them. He pulled back his sheets as she crawled into his bed and he eagerly joined her. The room started off as silent but it wasn’t long until you could hear the creaking of their bed rocking back and forth. And then Lauren yelling some extremely disturbing things. I thought I could ignore it at first so I rolled over in my bed to look the other way and covered my ear with a pillow. I then closed my eyes and prayed that I could fall asleep, and quickly too! But it got to a point where not only could I not stand the noise as it was 2am in the morning but the fact that every minute longer I laid there it was another minute longer I could feel my heart ripping itself apart inside of me.

“Ugh!” I screamed out in frustration. “Shut the fuck up! Both of you!”

Instantly the room went silent and even though I couldn’t see them through the darkness I could feel their eyes staring intensely into the back of my head.

“Rachael?” Liam asked, remembering now that we were sharing a room.

“Yeah it’s Rachael and if you don’t mind I’d actually like to get some sleep rather than listen to you two animals at it all night long.” I said as I forced myself to hold back the tears I desperately wanted to let slide down my cheeks.

“Err… sorry, we didn’t know you were in here.” He said honestly. Oh yeah, where else do you think i'd be at this time of the morning!? was my instant response. But just like last time, his stupid excuses weren’t going to have an effect on me, i wouldn't let them. 

“Well maybe you should check next time…” I said a little softer now, and by the sound of my voice you could tell I was upset. I continued to lay still in my bed with my back towards them as an awkward silence filled the room while I waited for Liam’s reply. I didn’t know what else to say but one thing for sure is that I wanted Lauren gone and out of here as soon as possible.

“Look… I think you should go” I said sniffling a little as I desperately tried to make myself sound calm.

“Of course…” She said sounding a little confused. I'm guessing it was because she had no idea what had gone on in Liam’s past and absolutely no idea that it included having a relationship with me. I could hear her stumble around the room as she collected her clothes and got herself changed. The next thing I heard was the door open and seconds after I heard it close. I breathed a quick sigh of relief, thank god she was now gone. I closed my eyes again hoping to forget about all that had just happened but was interrupted when suddenly the light in the room turned on.

“Do you want to talk about what just happened?” Liam asked kind of pissed off, but I really wasn’t in the mood.

“Not now Liam, I just want to sleep. Like everyone else on this god damn ship is probably doing right now…” I said back in an annoyed tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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