Iron & Wine-Chapter Six: Competition

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Chapter Six-Competition

The week went by quickly. I avoided Max like the plague, trying to keep to myself at all times. Naturally, since we sat next to one another, there were a few incidences where our paths crossed and she seemed to intentionally bump my shoulder or mutter insulting comments under her breath, but I kept my cool. Will became a regular part of mine and Julie’s life. We went to school with him, we hung out at the cafe while he was working and he hung out with us when he wasn't. We had regular movie nights and Will showed us all the great spots in the city like the waterfront and the outdoor theatre downtown. I was settling into a comfortable routine and happy with the addition to our tiny group. Life in the city wasn’t so bad.

"So, I think I might look for a part time job," announced Julie one day. The two of us were hanging out at the cafe on the old brown leather couch where we usually sat, while Will was working. Well, he was sitting on the arm of the couch while keeping an eye on the counter. "You know, for some extra spending money."

"Yeah, I was thinking that too. Tess gives me money when I need it, but it would be nice to earn some myself. Plus, it would give us something to do while Will is supposed to be working." I grinned at him.

"Hey, I don't mind you being here, it keeps me company when it's slow. But if you're looking for part time work I know that a gallery downtown is looking for an assistant."

"What gallery?” I asked.

"Um, I think it’s called Gallery Danes or something," he replied.

My heart jumped at the name. "Really, are you sure that's the one?" Gallery Danes was my favorite gallery in the city, the world even. Tess took me there once when I was younger. I instantly fell in love and obsessed over it for years. To work there would be a dream.

"Yeah, I’m positive. I read about it in the paper at school yesterday. Oh, and I also read that the school library is looking for someone too," he added to Julie.

She brightened with a smile. "Cool. I guess we know what we're doing tomorrow,” she said to me.

 I sat back on the couch and smiled at the thought of working at Gallery Danes. But I was just a student. Would I stand a chance at getting a job like that?

I parked my bike on the side of the building where there are usually a few bicycles and motorcycles. I took off my helmet and laid it on the seat. Hopefully my hair wasn't scary looking. I quickly did a flip and untangled it the best I could with my fingers. I caught a glimpse of myself in my side mirror. Good enough, I guess. I did a quick rub under my eyes to make sure no makeup had run and took a deep breath as I walked inside the gallery.

Man, it was breathtaking! The cathedral ceilings were at least fifteen feet high and everything inside was white and massive. The cold marble floors stretched all the way to a large front desk crafted out of shiny metal. I walked up to the desk clerk to let her know that I was here for the open interview. She completely ignored me. After a few seconds she finally looked up from her computer. Her tired grey eyes washed away against her pale complexion, the poor thing looked like she hadn’t slept in days.

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