Chapter Ten: Puppy Dog Pout

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The school quickly noticed that the two captains of the basketball team weren’t talking to each other. What’s worse, they’re occupying different tables at the opposite side of the cafeteria.

Kyla only observed from the door as half of the student population was staring at Jasper, while the other half was staring at Tristan. None of them dared to go near them, valuing their lives as they eyed the two guys from a safe distance.


Jasper and Tristan were always side by side, they acted more like brothers than anything. Now, it looks like they don't even know each other.

“You go to Tristan, I get Jasper,” I whispered to Kyla, switching my gaze from the two boys.

She nodded before she said, “Good luck.”

We gave each other an encouraging look as we split apart to each of the boys. I pulled the chair in front of Jasper and I sat down on it, staring at him.

His eyes were blank, staring at the sandwich on his tray as if he never even noticed me.

Clearing my throat rather loudly, still no reaction. Reaching out, I slapped his shoulder and he jumped up in surprise.

He blinked before his eyes focused on me. He smiled, one that didn’t reach his eyes as he turned to greet me, “Hey Savannah.”

Frowning, I told him to drop the act, “I was your best friend, Jasper, for so many years, I know you’re not happy.”

His lips pressed into a tight line, pushing the tray of his lunch away from him. Sighing, he sunk down on his seat, tapping the table with frustration.

“Did you guys intentionally made me look like an idiot?” he asked, staring into my eyes.

Frowning, I shook my head to deny any such thing, “Tristan wanted to keep it from you, we just went along with it.”

Slamming his fist on the table, he grumbled under his breath, “And you never once thought to say anything from me, I thought we were friends again, Savannah!”

“We are,” I stated, standing up and looking down at him, “Tristan is my friend too, he had his reasons and I was in no place to meddle.”

He pushed himself up from his seat, yelling at me with such anger in his tone, “So now he’s your best friend while I’m just pushed to the side all these years?!”

I froze, biting my lips as I just stared at him, shaking my head. I know that I hurt him with the fact that I ignored him, but I thought we pushed that all behind us now. He’s just reminding me how terrible I was, just how big my mistake.

“For three years you ignored me, and then I find out you were buddies with my best friend. You know, Savannah, you’re the worst friend I can have.”

He was the one who told me to let it all go, and I did, but right now, he’s just reminding us about this big barrier in between us.

Trying to blink the tears that were threatening to spill, I slowly backed away from him. So all these time, this is what he really felt about me?

This is what I was afraid of, Jasper has too big of an effect on me.

His eyes softened as he reached out to hold me, “Savannah,” he muttered comfortingly, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not her fault!” somebody yelled and we snapped our gaze to the other side of the cafeteria.

Tristan stood up from his spot, looking directly at the two of us. The cafeteria was just watching the exchange between these fighting best friends, thinking it was some television show or something.

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