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1. What device do you usually access your Wattpad account on?

•I usually access my Wattpad account on my phone, tablet, computer, laptop, anything that I have that will allow me to log onto Wattpad.

2. Do you pop your knuckles or does that disgust and annoy the heck out of you?

•I actually do. Every morning or when I feel like it. It's kinda weird but I like the popping sound it makes and no it does not disgust or annoy me. Except when I'm concentrating and someone pops their knuckles then yeah, it annoys me. But not all the time. I usually don't mind.

3. What is your favorite song this week?

•Hmmmm that is hard. I listen to a lot of songs everyday but I keep on listening to Problem, Baby I, Emotions and Vienna by Ariana Grande. Though the last two, it's her cover.

4. How tall are you?

• I'm 5'8" tall. (Though I am hoping I will grow a bit more taller...)

5. Are you a morning person or a night person?

•Let me tell you something. I am not a morning person. Definitely not. I get mad when someone wakes me up for nothing. So I'm a night person.

6. What candy do you usually buy if you're going out to the movies?

• I buy lots of candies! KitKat, Skittles, Twix, Toblerone, Gummy Bears, JellyBeans and a lot more. I can't name them all.

7. Do you have/plan on getting a tattoo?

•Ummm, I have a plan to get a small heart on my wrist but I don't think I'll do it. Maybe...

8. Is there any food that all your family and friends love but you hate?

•Yes. They like dark chocolate. I hate dark chocolate! I eat it but I don't like the taste. I just eat it because I don't want to say I don't like dark chocolate in front of my family and friends.

9. What TV show world (that you watch of course) would you be the most likely to fail miserably at living in?

• I think I'll fail living in the TV show Pretty Little Liars, Criminal Minds, Vampire Diaries and CSI. I think I would be spooked out before I get to live. Probably...

10. QUICK HIT THE PASTE BUTTON. Whatever shows up is your answer.

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