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1. What's the longest amount of time you've slept without waking up?

• at most 8 hours

2. Who was your favorite Disney princess when you were little?

• Still and always will be Belle

3. Do you have any fears that you admit are silly, but still bug you?

• Vaccuums are creepy man

4. Can you play any musical instruments?

• Violin, triangle, trying to learn drums

5. Have you had any interesting pets?

• I once had a tank of crayfish but I don't think that counts since we found them at a park

6. How did you lose your first tooth?

• A dentist yanked it out

7. You walk into a classroom and sit down in a desk, the seat is warm. Are you:

A) okay with it

B) happy you're not sitting on a block of ice

C) completely disguised and just NOPE

• C

8. Have you ever fallen UP the stairs?

•YES! I was walking up and my foot was too much at the edge and I slipped and yeah it was bad

9. What's the dumbest thing you've ever told a teacher to get out of an assignment?

• "My motivation died, I can't do this assignment."- it didn't work though

10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

• a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

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