CHAPTER 5: 1-12-12-5-7

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They came out of the warm shower and dried themselves. There was an awkward silence in the bathroom until Gemma broke it with a soft whisper incase Mr. Nyx was probably awake.

"So you still haven't figured out what or who this target is?" Zuri shook her head slowly in grief as they snuck back into Zuri's room with the suns bright light now penetrating the room. The cracks in her heart rapidly growing, she felt her heart breaking. From her dresser Zuri pulled the same medallion she talked about and hung it around her neck. An awkward silence and a heavy atmosphere of grief hung over the air like a third person, fourth if you count the silence as well.

"Let me help you" Gemma offered, killing the silence but the grief still remained.

"NO, you're not supposed to even know about this!" She snapped back

"I'm only trying to help but if you wont accept my help ... GOODLUCK"

Gemma exited through the window and leapt over the fence, begging her trek to school. Her mind was a cascading domain of unanswered questions. What was the assignment about? Was she being so secretive lately? What did Cavendish really tell Zuri ? and most of all WHY WAS SHE EXCLUDED from this particular assignment. Ever since they graduated as pro-assassins 6 years ago they have done every single assignment together assisting each other and making the most clean mysterious getaways.

Her brain was eating itself inside out trying to figure this out. She walked subconsciously to school, pre-occupied in her own thoughts.

The place was an ice-blue and snow white color all around. The school was a 'bee-hive' due to its shape. Gemma entered through the hexagonal gates of Esagono High.


The atmosphere immediately changed as she stepped into the building

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The atmosphere immediately changed as she stepped into the building. Her jumbled thoughts were scattered all over as the noisy buzzing of school brats invaded her ears. She weaved her way through the maze of learners and bumped into a large, muscular looking guy. His face smooth and defined, his blue eyes highlighted his bronze hair. She looked up at him

"Hey, Gem" he greeted

"Hi, how can I help you in a way that will make you leave me alone Carter" she sighed in reply

"Oh, um the school matric dance is coming up so I was wondering if you'd be like umm ... my ... date... or...-"

"I don't have time for that" she scoffed and walked past, his powerful hand grabbed her "Let me go !" she yelled wriggling her hand free. He turned her so their eyes met tightening his grip.

"What if I say no" he whispered

"I'm not afraid of you Carter ill just have to give you a beating" she spat

"Really now, just do you-"

"I'D LET HER GO IF I WERE YOU. THAT GIRL PACKS QUITE A PUNCH!!" a voice that slightly made Gemma relax. His crimson hair and vermillion eyes came closer into view his face more defined and muscular. A plain red long sleeve shirt and crimson skinny jeans adorned his body. Lucifer but his hand around her waist and pulled her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck and blessed his lips with a soft kiss.

"Wow hull up bra, you can't come to my school and take my girl" he prodded him in the chest angrily.

"I just did, deal with it ... and careful where you point that finger, it might kill you one day." Lucifer responded calmly with a smug look on his face. They strolled across the corridors of the school, Lucifer accompanying Gemma to class before school began its 8 hour reign of boredom. He turned to look at Gemma's worried face and asked what's wrong.

"I'm just worried about Zuri and she's keeping this HUGE assassination secret from me and apparently im not even supposed to know about it ... ... never mind what would you know any way "

"I could help you you never know " he responded.

"I just met you last night im not so sure I can trust you that much." she stated facts.

"Sure you can"

" No, not really, but since desperation is killing me I got this paper" she produced a paper with the wrinkled numbers 1-12-12-5-7. He took ot from her
"Whats this?"
" That's the mission, assignment. "
"I guess I'll try to figure this out then?"
" Yeah you do that but not my class."
"I'll see you later then. "
"Yeah and Lucifer. ... .thanks."
The bell rang and Lucifer exited the class. Gemma thought back to the kiss he gave him earlier. It felt like more than just a kiss, it was something deeper, with meaning it was, it was electric. Her heart jumped ...
"Oh no"she whispered to herself.

Thanx for reading you guys are the best. Please comment and help me improve any criticism is good
Bye guys♥♡

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