Chapter 31: Kolodimo's return

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The human sacrifice sure was impatient. Cavendish Metsi floating around the boy, pinned down with chains and covered with a blood soaked gag.
"He's bloody and hurt, Mullo isn't going to be happy when he returns." Metsi calmly stated as he floated around slower than a snail, talking calmer than a monk. The fat man grumbled louder than his stomach and responded with his thunderous voice.
"Keep quiet would you? Mullo wanted an alive person? Here he is, what more could that egomaniac want?"

Time flew by, they watched as fires and bonfires were lit inside huts, dens and caves. The winds got stronger and the clouds faster. A dark cloud swirled like a mini typhoon and out stepped Mullo Cavendish.
"Lets start already, I'm sure Lord Cavendish Kolodimo is dying to come back to life."

The muscular specimen was examined and inspected. His blue eyes held rage and his bronze hair was wet with sweat as he relentlessly struggled. Mullo was content.
"He's perfect, Kolodimo will be able to grasp a little more than half his full power in this body. That's more power to our side. Metsi extract his soul."
Metsi dug his hand through the boy's throat and began pulling, slowly the soul was removed.
"Be gentle." Cavendish reminded as the top half separated from the body, the boy struggled robustly and screamed louder, his eyes bulging with fear and pain. He continued pulling so the stomach and the rest of the legs departed from the body. A glimmer of satisfaction settled in Mullo's eyes as he produced the soul-spirit orb and shoved it down the body via the mouth. The body shook violently and the mouth began to foam. Light burst from the body's openings, brighter than a flash grenade the light traveled upwards, piercing the clouds until it eventually died down.
"Its complete." He sighed before he opened his palms and the chains went back in like spaghetti being sucked. They bowed as the body rose up to full height.

"To whom do I owe the thanks of reviving me." He asked looking down upon them
"Cavendish Metsi and Cavendish Mullo, Lord Kolodimo." Mullo answered still bowing.
"Thank you, although this body is quite weak I can barely muster a little over half of my power and strength. Nevertheless where is that bitch of a queen Nefariette?" His voice was gruff yet monotonous.
"She is dead, she was assassinated and died by Aduz' Lephuex tree sap." He answered. He snatched the soul from Metsi's grasp and devoured it whole. Kolodimo walked past them towards the twins and crouched down to touch Xander's forehead
"Well then, there is much to be done. Starting with getting new minions. You two lookalikes be my minions." He demanded.

A light traveled through Xander's body before he took in a huge gulp of air. Xavier's eyes lit up with exitement and relief took over his tear abused face. Kolodimo continued walking without looking back.
"Are you coming or am I supposed to treat you like slaves?"
They all got up and followed but Kolodimo raised his hand.
"Just the lookalike boys, the rest of you are useless and weak." He spat and continued on his way. He walked with the two twins tailing him until they reached a hollow dark cave. Upon first glance Kolodimo saw the cold caves as a perfect shelter.
"We'll settle here for the night. Fire boy create a bonfire." He demanded. Xander followed without question. A grumble came from deep within the cave followed by the trembling of earth. Bloody teath and bloodshot eyes revealed themselves, belonging to a thick troll with buddy skin
"Find your own cave fools! This one is mine!" It yelled.  Kolodimo simply walked up to it and placed his finger on its meaty leg.
"Not for long." The Cavendish responded as he watched blue lines spreading across its body like cracks. He removed his finger and the troll exploded to bits, its guts and flesh rained down along with the blood.  If the Xxtreem brothers had something to say they kept it to themselves.

"I suggest you get some rest." He looked down upon the blood drenched, gut covered disgusted boys and inspected himself. Kolodimo was pleased to find he was spotless. In mid-air he drifted of to sleep.

Thank you for reading once again lovely wattpadders. Hope you enjoyed as muchbas I did. Please comment and help me improve. Also remember to share.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS, you never know

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