Chapter 7: WHAT NOW

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Her father was waiting for her arrival.  His face grim with the satisfaction of evicting her
"Hy dad" she murmured lowly. Mr Cortez didn't bother returning the response all she got from him was a harsh
"Pack your bags and LEAVE" her heart jumped to her throat as the command sinked in. An evil smile spread across the obese mans face like black death.
"In five minutes I'll categorise you as a trespasser and Gemma you know what the sign out by the gate says HEY? "  she froze. Gemma knew that sign all too well TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT THREE TIMES,  ONCE IN THE HEAD  TWICE IN THE GENUTALS.  It yelled day and night.

"But dad im your daughter how can I be trespasser in my own familys home? I know we haven't been the brst of friends but I only thought you were joking. "
"Well you thought wrong girl. You have 10 minutes to pack your stuff, 5 to get off MY Premises as from today you are a total stranger."
"Where is all this coming from dad? This doesn't sound like you" Gemma whispered as she tried to hold back the tears and remind herself she was stronger than this.
"Time is ticking!" He was now yelling above the loud stomp-stomps Gemma created walking upstairs.

How could mom ever allow this. Although dad is the dictator  of  the family mom would still find away to support me because I know deep down inside she loves me as her only child and daughter. Where is she?
"Papã where is mamà ?"
"GET OFF MY PREMISES" he barked back

From under her matress Gemma pulled out a silver backpack with many pockets on the inside more than the outside
"This should do just fine" she whispered and began neatly packing her arsenal. Pistols, grenades, revolvers, bullets, two pairs of sai and three jetblack kunai.

She packed her clothes and shoes along with her uniform. She changed and put on black baggy pants and a loose t-shirt.  She wrapped a pouch filled with other jetblack kunai and silver shuriken around her right thigh like her mind, wrapped in many questions. As much as she wanted to cry she told herself to be strong ... until mom told her how to deal with this.

She shuffled her way into her parents bedroom and took her phone which had been wrongly confiscated from her


She watched the number of likes on her latest Instagram picture rise rapidly and comments flooding in. She was semi-frustrated that the picture of her in her assassins outfit was being made a mockery.
"Gemma wash the dishes" her dad yelled
"Why wont the dishes was themselves I'm BUSY "  she yelled back. Rude nasty comments were fired from Gemma.

Sge was so absorbed in her phone tgat she hadn't noticed her dad walking in and snatched the phone from her
"Im not done with that... there are thousands more I need to make feel pitiful and worthless."
"This phone is confiscated until you learn manners"
"That is not happening"
"In my household it is "  he turned to backhand her but Gemma ducked too quick for the old man and bolted to the kitchen.

End of flashback

Gemma swung her arsenal filled backpack over her shoulders and dragged her large suitcase. She craned her neck back to see if there was anything she could have forgotten.                                     . The Assassins coat. It was a long white coat reaching the knees abd had many inteenal pockets with shuriken,  daggers, kunai, and a white katana. She put it on and began leaving.

"Good bye dads"she said with a voice close to tears. The oversized jerk scoffed and took another long gulp of Heineken. The night greeted her with a cool breeze as she stepped out. Her brown hair danced as the breeze pass through it. The seventeen year old closed the door behind her and headed straight for the gate without a glance back.
Her ears picked up the soud of a shotgun being cocked then BLAMM a bullet whizzed past her ear hitting the gate infront of her.
"Be gone tres passer!" Mr. Cortez yelled cocking the shotgun once more. For a moment Gemma thought about fighting back  but this was ger dad  she couldn't kill him even if it depended on her life so she turned tail and ran ... didn't know where but just ran.
From beyond the clouds that coverd them the stars winked at Gemma the clouds grumbling with the hunger to let rain pour out. Gemma turned and walked into a park, large perimeter and fence. She sat at the edge leaning against the fence she began weighing her options after all she had a few

Gemma began thinking to herself for a moment "What now" she sighed at the cloud covered moon

Thats all I got for now. Thanx for reading
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Ask me anything im down for it

Thanx a lot guys cant thank you enough
Be safe out there assassins unlit next time

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