Chapter 18: The Interrogation Massacre...

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Fear flooded the room replacing the cold air. Everyone saw the new, they were more than well aware what she was capable of.
"What you waiting for fools. Fire at the goddamn girl.  I lost my mom and siblings coz of her."  Artillery fire filled the room all aimed at one person. A bullet sunk into her shoulder, leg,  scrapped her neck. She fell in pain.  Senses dulled as pain consumed her thoughts. Nowhere to run or hide, she was done for. Curled into a ball, eyes shut tight. She listed to guns reloading and firing. Something was awfully odd, she felt no pain. She opened her eye. Her right eye,  her negative eye. A green barrier stood before her and death.  Bullets either shattered or ricocheted off it.

She stood up in disbelief, contained inside a green bull. Gemma held her tattooed arm close to her eyes and squinted.  A bull. Drawing her katana she ran towards a gun wielding officer.  The bull speared its needle pointed horn through him as blood spewed aross the metal floor.  The impailed victim groaned.
"Who dies next?" Gemma questioned thrilled by the deaths about to occur. Her eyes glinter with evil.
"Take cover. Behind the table. " one advised.

She ran, the bull that contained her charged. The ground shook as the murder animal charged but something more shook, the faith they had in themselves. Tightening her grip on the sword,  Gemma was bloodlusting. Horns met metal and went through the metal. Those smart enough dropped the guns and dived away, the five who were brave were sandwiched between metal and metal.  Blood sprinkled out like rain and guts dripped from below like motor oil.
The protection bull dispersed. Twelve batton armed policemen stood before her. One ran towards her,  letting out a battle cry of fear. She gracefully jumped and met him half way abd stabbed his eye with the white katana. He gurgled out blood when the assassin landed on his chest. White wit eyed them very closely while standing on the corpse. Fear radiated off them, she smiled,  licked the blood off the katana and put it away replacing it with two kunai's.
"Fair?" Grinning  bloodyly. They were less hesitant to attack now,  two policemen changed.

The first one struck with his batton from above. The second was fat and possessed less speed. He stabbed the lean attacker in the gut,  slicing vertically till his stomach and intestines seeped out then kicked him to the fat one and they fell over. The room was soaked in blood and intestines, a pleasant sight to Whiteblade. Bolting over to the fat officer, she had an intresting death for him.
With the blood stained black kunai she plucked out his eye.
"Arnt you supposed to protect citizens? "He plucked out his other eye as his comrades watched in horror. Eye juices splashed on her white blood coated assassins coat while she delightfully squeezed the eye and ignoring pleas for mercy.
For other police came with battons. Her eye saw the first attack and dodged right into the second one. A third batton hit her back and got kneed in the face. She rose coughing up blood, drawing her katana she decapitated one officer stabbing another in the process. A sharp shooting pain attacked her neck,  she realized she was getting tazed. In reflex she spun and cut the ofernder, nearly in half. The forth officer hesitated.
"FUCKING COWARD." She snarled as she swung her katana and chopped his skull like an axe chopping wood. 

Gunfire dominated the air. Three bullets penetrated her stomach, leg and ear followed by a knocking out batton strike to the head.


The assassin was surrounded by iron bars and from the other side three policemen watched when she awoke. Pain sparked and shot through her body like lightning when she tried to get up. Her brown eyes took time to adjust to the dim light. Her mouth tasted like metal and she spat out an oyster sized wad of thick mucus infested blood.

"Now that you've been interrogated all you need to do is confess in court. Go to jail  and I get my 500 000.00₩ its a win-win."
"I'm not confessing shit bitch. What is this ... a catholic church? "She spat
"Oh but you will Gemma. "
"Fuck your screwed fantasy. I'll slit your throat just like I did with your loved ones"
"Dont bring them into this i'll murder you for that. Fuck you. You slutty ass thot. Worthless scum. Waste of cum.!!" He shook the bars like a mad gorilla craving escape. 
"Tell me when you're done saying all the things you are.!"
The Dwayne Johnson rip-off instructed that the assassin be shot.
Gemma's heart sledgehammered against her rib-cage,  her blood ran cold as the Ak47 was loaded. She was immobile any sudden movement would trigger two things. Unbearable pain and death by bullet which would satisfy the bald cop which she was sure she didn't want. The metal gun cocked then. BANGG.


STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know.

Devils Assassin :WhitebladeWhere stories live. Discover now