· Action/Adventure Judges Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Action/Adventure genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques. If you are not satisfied with your review, we unfortunately cannot do anything more, but we are deeply sorry if you feel that way.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!


Anarchy of the Mice - jeff_bond

Interesting concept, especially regarding how the organisation "Blind Mice" actually operates. Love the character development as well. It was a great pleasure to read this book; well done!

Crossing The Silver Thorns - Quillworks

This story talks about the consequences of human actions on not just the environment but also on the families that live in the wild. This story tells a tale of how a single father would do anything to rescue his family from the hands of human poaches and reading it just made my heart clench and made me cry on his behalf. A truly heartwarming story. A great story for all ages; no amount of words can explain how great this story is. Keep up the great work!

I Am Not A Damsel - typewriter12160

A really hilarious and fresh perspective of a world with superheroes and villains alike. Great job!

These Godless Sands - -geenie-

Overall, a nice story with decent character development. Keep up the great work :)

Betrayal Of The Guardians - DianaTheThird

I like the concept of how the author uses the word "guardian" ironically and how she redefined the word "guardian" in the readers eyes. Great book to binge read :)

Game of the Gods: Rebirth - mountainlion2

Characters-the main characters personalities are unique especially when she slowly changing as soon as she got her memory back. I also like how the main character interact with her love interest as they slowly gain each others trust.

Grammar: The grammar are readable and good

Plot-The plot are twisty but able to keep up and well described the situation to avoid any confusion.

Enjoyment - the story full of action and thrill. The more I read it the more addictive it can be.

Overall- I could see some references in the story but the twist made the story even more exciting which captivate the readers. The suspense may be less but the action are real

The Summoning Stones - DragonGirl_97

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