· Fanfiction Judges Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Fanfiction genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!



 Teens of Fazbear's: Days of Endless Sleep - Xx_Pink_Fashion_xX

 Their Legacy | Supergirl - VoidJack

Have been eliminated and therefore did not receive reviews or scores.


Marked || Naruto - -MayaEm

The way you described things in detail made me want to read more even though its not something I would normally read. I like what you did at the start in the prologue where, at the end, you left the reader feeling hooked. Well in my opinion I was, with the saying "we are all marked". It got me feeling more interested and made me want to carry on reading. The grammar in the story was ok with a few errors here and there. People have spotted it, as you have seen, but it was still readable for me, once I over looked the mistakes. In my opinion, the story is great but I lost interest later on as it wasn't something I would normally read. But I am sure others who are familiar with that type of fanfiction would enjoy this story very much.  

Bring Me Back To Life -ultraviolet_death

The summary itself had me hooked as I personally love anything with Klaus in it. But I am picky with these types of books and you have made an impression. I love that you alone have created a book that I haven't seen before; what life was like for Klaus after the hollow was inside the siblings. The main character, the way you have described her in the book, it had me hooked and makes me want to carry on reading. The grammar is ok and is readable for me. Overall the book is interesting, as I have already pointed out, and its something new that not many people have written about. Where Klaus alone and his overall perspective of him trying to cope after the hollow was placed inside of him. I like this book very much.  

Jennifer - GublerGlam

The summary was good and it had a mysterious vibe to it which I liked. The cover had me wanting to check out this book straight away. The chapters are a bit short but thats not a bad thing so please don't take it that way. I just want to read more and for it to be in more detail if possible. I especially like your main character and the face claim to go with it. If possible I would make the meeting of the bad boy a bit longer so the readers get a better description of him instead of it being rushed. Unless this is what you intended then its fine, I am just being picky. The grammar of this book is ok and is readable for me. Overall the book is good but doesn't have me hooked and wanting to read more. I would make the chapters more interesting and maybe leave the readers hanging at the end. Other than that keep up the good work.  

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