· Humor Final Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Fanfiction genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!


More Than A Minion by PacoTaco17

Loving the chapter titles they had a smile on my face even before I started reading. Your characters are relatable and their own. Your grammar needs a bit of work; it's nothing super major just some punctuation problems, capitalizing, and a couple sentence structure issues. These are all easy fixes. Your plot is so interesting. I have never read a book like this before so high five for creativity. Keep on writing and making people smile!

The Girl In The Rainbow Scarf by LollipopGalexy

This had caught my interest before I even read the description; your title and cover are eye catching. Your characters have flipped roles which I like to see; most stories I read the girl is the shy one and boy is the bold one. It's a nice change. You grammar is very good. You plot is interesting but I've seen the basic before. Your doing a good job making it your own. Overall I'm enjoying reading your story so keep up the good work.

Just For One Day - SwordInTheInkwell

The Book was VERY interesting to me. The Characters and the Different places it was in. I loved it but Did not make me laugh


We are disappointed to say that this are the only three entries we have received, its unbelievable that the months that we have been open and judging that this is all we get for this genre. The people who don't see their name on here, just know we are terribly sorry and to make up for it the ones that didn't win we'll give everyone winner stickers to let everyone know you tried and won 

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