· J U D G I N G C R I T E R I A ·

866 66 20

This is for registered Judges only!

All judges are required to follow this criteria and the scoring systems for their genres.

If any of the judges have any questions please make an inline comment here and we will do our best to answer any questions.


Judges Duties:

• You must write a small review for each book you judge (format below).

• You must let us know if you can't keep up with your duties!

• Deadline for the judges is TWO WEEKS after their category starts judging. That means 14 days to score and review your books! If you need more time please contact us.

• You must read at least 5 chapters of each book. We recommend you read 8 chapters. You can, however, read as many chapters as is necessary to get a good feel for the book.


Wave 1 & 2 of Judging

Wave 1 of Judging

• Wave 1 of judging is simply the elimination round. You must score the books you're judging using the criteria and write a small review for each book.

• Then send us the list of books passing the elimination.

- If you have been assigned 5 books to judge, eliminate 3.

- If you have been assigned 4 books to judge, eliminate 2.

- If you have been assigned 3 books to judge, eliminate 1.

• Again you must send us the small reviews and scores right after you have judged the books!

• If the book deserves it, nominate them for a special award (Best Protagonist, Best Villain, Best Twist and Best Heart-Breaker. This is an optional thing!

Wave 2 of Judging

• This is when the special awards and final scores will be tallied.

• The admin and judges on the Shadow Community team will be handling the final scores and results.

• Final results will then be announced.



You do not have to write any sentences here, numbers/scores for each section will be fine.

Cover - ?/10

• How unique is their cover? How eye catching and how well does it suit the story line?

Summary - ?/10

• Does the summary draw in the reader? How good is the grammar and punctuation? Does it create intrigue and mystery?

First Chapter/Prologue - ?/10

• How interesting was their first chapter or prologue? Did it hook you immediately? Does it make you want to keep reading?

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