· Short Story Judges Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Short Story genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques. If you are not satisfied with your review, we unfortunately cannot do anything more, but we are deeply sorry if you feel that way.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!


The End Was Near - iivanitaii 

This book had an interesting plot line that could've made a spectacular story. Unfortunately, the way it was presented needs a little fixing up. The chapters are a little hard to understand due to the number of grammatical errors. Because of this, the first chapter didn't leave me craving to read more as it should have. As well as that, the summary didn't really draw me in. It is set out to be good, it just needs editing. I would suggest a good read over and possibly getting someone to edit this book. The cover doesn't really make sense until the last couple of chapters and it's not strikingly eye-catching.

Overall, with the proper editing and a lot of time and care, this book has the potential to be something great.

Different Girl - bookholicc 

This book started off really great but unfortunately the more I read, the harder it was to understand. By the end, I was so confused as to what was going on and who was who. This meant I couldn't enjoy the story as much as I should have. The summary was really good and made me curious as to what the book was about. However, the cover didn't really draw me in or match the story. I'm not 100% sure what the plot line of this book was but if you spend the proper time planning and editing, it could become something great.   

Paraplegic - Xoxo-Mine 

This book was very fun and intriguing to read. I was very happy to see that you didn't follow the good girl, bad boy cliché. This book's plot line wasn't all that unique but the way you presented it was very refreshing and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were a few errors throughout this book but that happens to everyone. With the proper editing, it will be great. The summary was quite short and most people would ask you to make it longer but personally, I loved it and think it was just what it needed to be. It was very simple and yet so deep and intricate. Good job, I definitely enjoyed reading this!!  

Be Careful What You Wish - ForeverAnon 

When I read the summary of this book, my expectations weren't really that high. It wasn't necessarily a bad summary, it just didn't pull me in and leave me filled with curiosity. It seemed like another little cliché book about wishes. However, you proved me wrong. This book was far from what I expected and I loved every bit of it. Although it was a little confusing, to begin with, I got into it and found myself rushing to get to the next chapter. The cover isn't really an eye-catching cover, however, I see how it relates to the book and I think it's quite good. It's just that when scrolling through books, it probably wouldn't make me go 'ooh what's this about'. The summary can use a bit of work, but the story itself was great! There were a few errors along the way and one or two sentences that couldn't be understood but that comes with any book. With a bit of editing, this will be an amazing story.  

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