· E n d i n g ·

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Hello Participants and Readers, it is safe to say that every genre winner has been announced and reviews has been posted, stickers have been sent out and if we have missed something don't be afraid to let us know. Now, by this it is time to bring this awards to an end, it has brought so many good stories in the arms of our staff and we couldn't be happy enough that everyone participated. Let's give a special thanks to CherryQueen55 for being the founder of this successful organization. Even as we had a few bumps in the road, she was always the one to find an solution to make everything continue on.

And let's thank everyone that stepped forward the time we needed the judges the most, everything would have went downhill from there, so again we can't thank you all enough. This is has been a wonderful ride for everyone, we're sorry for those that couldn't be included in this year's awards but don't give up; there a thing called trying.

Until next year. . . Or two.


T H E | S H A D O W | T E A M











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