· Fantasy Judges Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Fantasy genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques. If you are not satisfied with your review, we unfortunately cannot do anything more, but we are deeply sorry if you feel that way.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!


Revium - silentcrown

Characters: The characters are honestly amazing, I cannot fault them at all. I enjoyed reading all of them, and the description is on point. There is so much depth, the right amount of mystery. Clearly, they were written by a very clever author.

Grammar: I also cannot fault the grammar. Not even once did I spot a single error or mistake. It was honestly so well edited.

Plot: The plot is also 10/10, I was hooked! It's so unique, entertaining and well thought out. There are surprising twists, mysteries and the right amount of butt kicking. Amazing.

Enjoyment: I adore this book. It deserves so much more recognition, it is right up there with one of the best books I've ever read. Loved it!

Overall: Literally one of the best books I've ever read, and trust me, I've read a lot. It has everything I could ever ask for, great job!

Magpie Hearts - kaznav

Characters: The characters in Magpie Hearts are interesting, but I found it somewhat difficult to connect with them. There wasn't a great deal of description and I found it kind of hard to remember all the names. Other than that, they are solid characters and aren't too cliché.

Grammar: While the grammar and spelling wasn't awful there were a few mistakes I found in each chapter. Some of the wording of the sentences was puzzling too.

Plot: The plot has potential and I really liked the idea of it. There were a few confusing things but overall wasn't bad.

Enjoyment: I can't say that I was hooked on the story, but it was interesting nonetheless.

Overall: Overall it isn't a bad book but there are a few confusing things and the names are all hard to remember.

Darkness Arises - ButterAndPeanuts

Characters: I really liked the characters, particularly Wolfe and Lynne. They were interesting and not cliché, which was refreshing. There could be more detail given on their appearance but other than that, it's great.

Grammar: The grammar wasn't great, and could use some proof reading and editing. It was not too bad though, and the story was still readable.

Plot: I actually really loved the plot. There is so much potential for it, and its so new and different to other stories. It's simple yet well done!

Enjoyment: The story is a really nice read, I definitely think it deserves much more recognition.

Overall: A really interesting, yet improvable story. It has so much potential!

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