· Romance Judges Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Romance genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques. If you are not satisfied with your review, we unfortunately cannot do anything more, but we are deeply sorry if you feel that way.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!


The Caught Feelings - savaget0rtilla 

This book is confusing and the chapters are immensely short. The plot line is everywhere and the characters aren't introduced properly. Loe and Gia's relationship is rushed and it isn't really romance, but a short story because the entire book is mostly dialogue and like I said "immensely short." Overall I'd give this book a 50 out of 100 because with editing it could become an amazing story.

Rooftop Revelations - BoredOfBoring

The summary had good bones, however, the transferring of that into the story wasn't evident as the story progressed. The first and second chapter left me feeling that part of the story had been left out, as there were many holes in the storyline. In chapter three/the last chapter was written I felt the same thing, with the addition of trying to build and carry the story out to fast.

Although there were mistakes in the grammar I felt that you could still make out what was trying to be said. My only problem was that there were too many large words that were trying to be used and it made parts of the story make little to no sense.

Having read the chapters that were written, I wasn't pulled into the story. It didn't captivate me and wish that there had been more chapters to read, I was actually glad to be done with it.

The reason behind the cover score being so low was because after reading the story, I felt that it lacked in conveying what the "rooftop" meant and represented.

As for giving a 0/10 for character development - well that's simply because they hadn't, had any progression.

Overall, it wasn't a story that I would like to re-read.

Gravity Of Love - Unspoken_Uprising 

The cover got a 0/10 because it was lacking any appeal. It had nothing to do with the story and didn't cause me to go "This is something I would like to check out".

The summary left you feeling that it was worth checking out but if you didn't, it wouldn't be at the back of your mind telling you to read it.

The first chapter was a "preview" of a later chapter which would have been alright if it was captivating, making you want to read further to find that chapter. It didn't have this effect.

Not sure if this person was using a device with auto correct or not, however, it should have been proofread because in parts it felt that words were left out and in others, they didn't make sense.

Based off of the beginning to the last chapter written you could see a bit of the development of the character, but not enough to get a high score.

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