· Science Fiction Judges Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Science Fiction genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques. If you are not satisfied with your review, we unfortunately cannot do anything more, but we are deeply sorry if you feel that way.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!


Home - StephRose1201 

Characters: The main character Evalily was written so well, I could picture her and her personality nearly perfectly. From just the first few paragraphs, I was able to work out that she was a curious, independent minded person with the perfect amount of sass.

Grammar: The grammar and punctuation was practically perfect. I couldn't fault it. It was edited perfectly and the finished product is the standard you would read in proper published books, which obviously made the book so much nicer to read.

Plot: The plot has been set out and told in a way that always kept me on the edge of my seat, eager for every single sentence. The plot is a very unique and interesting plot which keeps the reader engaged throughout each chapter.

Enjoyment: From the very first sentence, this book was exciting and very enjoyable. Because of its engaging plot, it just made me want to keep reading, it was hard to put down. I can't wait to keep reading.

Overall: This is a very well written story with an exciting plot from the second the story opens. With it's perfectly detailed scenes and characters, it is a real page turner that definitely deserves a lot more recognition.

Novaria - No_Haven

Characters: Most characters are written well with enough detail to know the character within the first two chapters of introducing them. All characters fit into the "Novaria" science fiction world perfectly and all have important roles within the story.

Grammar: Grammar and punctuation is very good with only a few mistakes here and there. Good vocabulary is used to create more excitement and interest.

Plot: The story jumps straight into action with just the perfect amount of calmness at the start to get a feel for the main character. The plot is engaging the whole way through with no unnecessary parts to confuse the reader. Cliffhangers are used perfectly to keep readers engaged and excited for the next chapter. However, more detail on the setting and environment would make the story much better. The story has an exciting plot that is perfect for the sci-fi genre.

Enjoyment: I really enjoyed this story has it really embraces the nature of a science fiction novel with its continuous action and excitement with of course the growing romance between characters. It has an enjoyable and engaging plot that will only get better throughout the remainder of the book.

Overall: It was written well with an engaging plot and good detail for characters. With few grammatical mistakes, the story flows mostly pretty well and gives off that sci-fi vibe of a technological world.

The Brain Bastard - undefinedfiction

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