· Historical Fiction Judges Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Historical Fiction genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques. If you are not satisfied with your review, we unfortunately cannot do anything more, but we are deeply sorry if you feel that way.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!


The Man, His Rats, and a Flute - XTRIDENTX 

I found the cover to be appropriate for the book and the summary to offer a unique question as to what kind of person the player of the flute really was. Those are both things that draw the reader into the story. The summary could have used some punctuation.The first chapter gives the reader an interesting twist on an age-old story and in doing so also gives us sympathy for the main character. It is a well-written and well thought-out story. I did find grammar and spelling mistakes that could use tended to and distracts the reader.  

Queen of Spies - ClownPrincezOfCrime

The cover is appropriate for the book and the summary peaks the interest of the reader by invoking pity for the main character. The first chapter gives us the background of the protagonist and that helps us understand her plight.The writing is a bit choppy but that can be easily fixed by connecting some of the sentences together for a smoother flow. One note is that there is no need for italicized thoughts as in the first person everything is their thoughts or view. There were some minor typos and punctuation errors. This is an interesting story that moves along at a good pace.  

King Santiago - hridiv

The cover goes well with the story of the book. While the summary gives a basic idea of the book, more information could draw readers to the story. The first chapter is very short and ends abruptly. There were some run-on sentences and punctuation errors. Though the idea is sound, the story is very short and could be expanded.

The Apothecary's Daughter - tea-and-a-book

The cover is very simple, and it fits the historical theme perfectly. The contrast of the background and the book cover bothers me though.

The summary is short, very short actually. It doesn't really draws in the attention of the readers. The last line is probably the only line that will pull in the reader.

The first chapter slowly ease the reader into the world of the book, followed by the protagonist's mundane lifestyle. I really love how the author makes the characters follow the speech of historical fictions. Though, there isn't that factor that really pushes the reader on to read further. The setting is done nicely though, really nicely.

Honestly, I don't see any mistakes at all, or probably there are but I didn't spot them. I only have issue with the paragraphing, where some paragraphs are too long.

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