· Poetry Judges Reviews ·

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Hello judges, participants and readers alike!

Today we bring you the judges' reviews for all the books that were registered into the Poetry genre, winners or no!

Please keep in mind that these are the individual judges opinions, and different judges have different review styles and techniques.

A massive thank you to all the judges who put in so much effort to write these reviews, you guys rock!


Nicole - EnderNikki

There were grammar mistakes, mostly in the lack of commas, but other than that she did everything okay. Each poem touched every emotion it set out to, which made me want to read more. Every poem is very relatable and relevant. Overall, I think the cover and the summery were a problem but if those were fixed it would guarantee a much higher score, which the book is definitely worthy of. The poetry was amazing.    


I didn't expect this, anything to do with grammar was in the right place. I love how each poem tells a story abound fearlessness. These are poems to read before standing up to do a speech, it gives you a push to face your fears. Okay some are a bit sad but the way they're written, you'll read more. Overall, this is a really good read. 

What The Heart Wants To Say - DarkDameWriter

  Love poems are one thing but writing it is another. Her descriptions are amazing although I would have preferred some "bigger" words. I managed to spot a few grammar mistakes towards the middle which prevented the flow when reading. I did enjoy the fact that she added a translation in another language which was fresh. 

Thirteen - Sharanya6 

Her poetry is uplifting, relatable, encouraging. It creates pictures of loneliness and weakness but provides a way to end it. The topics make me read more. No grammar nor spelling mistakes though I did try scout for them. I didn't know how the cover related to the book and it was a little plain. Overall, I think that this book was very well written.  

Songs Without Notes - avadel

Lyrically written, I love her vocabulary and the layout of her poems. I didn't manage to spot any mistakes. The cover depicted the content perfectly and the summery, although short, was very intriguing  

Fate Worse Than Death - KarenDrinksWithMe

Characters: Well put. I don't have much to say but that the character is female. What about males? How about them?

Grammar: Well done with the grammar :) I saw no mistakes at all.

Plot: Gives an insight in what's happening in the real world and the issues that up to this day occur. Reminds people and makes us feel bad and ashamed.

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