Chaper 56

444 21 29

"Wow. Wow. Alright," I exclaim. I glance at either end of the room, paranoid that something could emerge at any moment. "How many?" I ask in monotone.

"I don't know. Three, if I had to guess," the Doctor answers. I nod, considering this.

"Okay. Okay...we can handle that. Right? Three-ish in a building with...twenty to a hundred people? I don't know. But I do know if someone doesn't turn that alarm off, the Weeping Angels aren't the only things we need to be concerned about. I'm referring to myself, if you're wondering."

"What are these...whatever these things are?" Bill asks, "did you say 'Weeping Angels?'"

"They're aren't as thrilling as they sound," I sigh, "not the worst beings I've seen. Well, I mean, they're definitely up there but uh...let's hope they're more in a send everyone back in time kind of mood than, you know, a killing spree."

"Brielle," The Doctor scolds.

"What? What did I do, now?" I gaze upward.

"If you're going to answer a question," he suggests, "at least put enough effort into answering somewhat decently."

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry," I snap. "Pardon me if I wasn't expecting this situation to go this way, and am somewhat alarmed."

"That's fine, but...I'm still waiting for that answer, though," Bill mumbles.

"Sorry, sorry," I say, composing myself, "Okay...Weeping Angels. Weeping Angels. Uh...stone statues of angels - although - that's pretty self explanatory. The thing about them that makes them rather...difficult, is that they can only move when you're not looking at them. So, basically if you're in a standoff with one and you blink, game over. They'll send you back in time, where you'll be stuck to live out your life in...the hills of Yorkshire or something."

"Well, that's not...horrible, right?" Bill says, studying my reaction.

"Of course not. Unless we all get separated, I'm somehow unable to ever find you again, and we're forced to literally restart our lives. Or, there's also the possibility that they just kill us. They do that sometimes...apparently. Oh, and there's something else. What is it?"

"Don't look in the eyes," The Doctor adds, staring down the gallery like he'd rather be somewhere else.

"Don't look in the eyes!" I echo. "Yes. An image of one will imprint in your mind and kill you from the inside out."

"Okay, so...not quite as fun times, then," Bill concludes.

"You could say that," the Doctor says.

"And they could be anywhere, right?"

"They're stuck within the confines of this building," the Doctor explains, "Apparently, whenever the security system senses threat, the entire structure locks down, forming a prison until help arrives. I can't seem to find a way to override it from here."

"Great," I say, throwing my head back, "so, we're stuck here too."

"For now, yes," the Doctor answers.

"Shouldn't we check up on the other people-" Bill starts, and I gasp.

"Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about them! We need to head back."

"Go, we'll meet you there," The Doctor says to me.

I go through the motions to teleport; think of the specific location, and will myself there. It's an instantaneous procedure. But this time, nothing happens. I try again, but suddenly such a horrendous noise commences that I'm forced to cover my ears.

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