Chapter 47

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"None of us had met before coming here," Joe began, "We lived nowhere near each other. My life was sort of at this...stopping point. I was bored. Then...I got this phone call one day. These people said they were trying to conduct a study. They were going to send twenty five people to this planet, this place. They wanted to see how humans could survive living under a cold star. Now, I didn't have any friends or family, so I said why not? All they wanted us to do was live our lives as normally, just do it here."

"Uh...seriously?" I asked, flatly. "Are you hearing what's coming out of your mouth? And no part of you during any of this thought, 'hey, this is kind of weird that these people contacted me out of the blue to live on freaking Whosville. Maybe I should think this through before making any life changing decisions.' When you're having a quarter-life crisis, you change career paths. You don't move to a planet where you can't even go outside!"

"But I had nothing to lose." He said accusingly, "Sure, it took us all a while to get here, but this was a great experience, and I met some wonderful people."

"Right, well, at least they made friends," I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I swear, I want to leave. But now...dang. I don't think I can."

"Wait, what do you mean? Why can't we leave?" Amy asked.

"We can. We can leave whenever we so choose." I sighed, shaking my head. "However, now we'd be leaving a few pages unturned, so to speak."

"Well what does that...oh. Oh."

"Twenty five random people, huh? Twenty five people...who just happen to be off the chart brilliant." I chuckled. "Yeah...that kind of sets off a few alarms in my books."

"Well," the blonde woman began, "Most of us weren't always like this. But you stick a bunch of people in a building with some books." She shrugged, "It was all we did for months."

" The pace you would have to-"

"Doctor, shut up. It's my turn to talk now." I announced, twirling around to face him.

"It's always your turn to talk." He said.

"Listen, I leave my house maybe once a month. Just let me have some fun. Alright? So, back to you people...if that's what you are."

"You guys, please," the tall woman who had come through the door said, "We're not hurting anyone, you're the ones who invaded our base. The question did you all get here?"

"Actually, the bigger question is uh...who are you all?" Joe asked. I could tell he was starting to lose his patience with us.

"We already told you who we are." Amy stated.

"You told us names, names mean nothing. You barge in here and start questioning our personal lives, and you don't think it's important to mention who you are? I mean, you sound like you're from London, you sound Scottish, and then there's the little girl who struts around like she owns the universe -oh, and who's American, by the way. So yes, I'd like a reason why we shouldn't shove you all outside and lock the door."

I nodded my head, pretending to consider what he said, "Well, first off, you shouldn't because murder is bad, and secondly - heh..." I turned around to face the Doctor and Amy, "Can I say it? I'd love to say it." I jerked back to face Joe, and I started talking very quickly. "I think you need us, because your lives are all in danger. And maybe...possibly, I don't know -I'm just a little girl- it's hard for me to process all these grown up problems. But uh, if I'm right, and I'll give you a hint - I usually am - I think our little group of misfits is the only thing that could possibly save you. Although...I guess if you don't want us here, we can just leave. I have a few books to catch up on, anyway." I put my hands on my hips, and I waited for her reaction.

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