Chapter 55

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"Does this happen often or..." Bill trails off.

"Doctor, this was not part of the deal," I hiss.

"There was no deal, Brielle. And I didn't do anything, it's the TARDIS."

"Okay, well I don't appreciate her dragging us to...wherever we are."

"Speaking of that, where are we anyway?" Bill asks.

"I don't know, and I'm pretty sure I don't care," I say.

"What? You're not even a little bit curious?" The Doctor says, accusingly. "We're stuck here, anyway. All the controls are locked."

"No, you're stuck here," I correct him, "I can leave whenever I want."

"Right, leave and go where? You don't exactly have many housing options."

"I told you, I don't want to do anymore of this today. There could be a war field out there. I don't want to step anywhere near that."

"Uh, guys? You should probably take a look at this." Bill stares out of the now opened TARDIS doors. The Doctor and I turn away from our glaring contest to follow after her.

I cautiously peer out, and I notice the music before I notice anything else. "Um, that's...that's Earth music," I conclude, "Beethoven, I think."

"But this isn't Earth," the Doctor adds.

"Who cares about that?" Bill says, "come on, look at this place."

"Look, I don't think we're supposed to be here," I insist.

"Really, Brielle?" The Doctor asks, accusingly, "has that ever stopped you before?"

"Well, maybe now is a good time to start."


"Yeah, seriously," I say in a mocking tone.

"This is amazing!" Bill exclaims from outside.

"Maybe you should be more like her," The Doctor suggests, and I scoff.

"What, obliviously optimistic?"

"Well, I was thinking more along the lines of 'happy.' But sure, that works, too."

"I hate you right now," I say, walking out of the TARDIS in the direction of Bill.

"No you don't."

"I don't know, man, I wouldn't push it." I carefully inspect my surroundings, taking in every detail. The walls are a light blue-gray, but barely any of the paint is visible because of the amount of canvases being hung from them. A long table runs down the middle of the room, covered in items ranging in size. A large glass case protects the display from dust.

"Dude this is, this is a museum." I conclude.

"Amazing observation skills, Brielle. Anything else?" The Doctor says, flatly.

Completely ignoring him, I say,  "Yes, Doctor. It's a museum, and museums are boring so..."

"Okay, listen," Bill cuts in, "I understand you two probably have a complicated and dark history that I don't know about. Although, I'm sure it will eventually be explained to me in excruciating detail, I need - I need some sort of summary. Because, this is getting out of hand."

"I'm another of the last of the Time Lords collection. Hi." I curtsy awkwardly. "That basically covers it. Actually, technically it doesn't even scratch the surface. But, who cares? Simplifies it for now."

"Wait. Hold on. So, there's two of you, then?"

"Actually, there's three, but hey. Who's keeping count?" I mumble, eyeing the exit to the right of the room.

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